View Full Version : Baltic birch plywood vs birch plywood

26th November 2012, 04:51 PM
Hi there,
I'm wanting to make a longboard but whenever I look up online for baltic birch suppliers it comes up with just birch plywood without baltic. Are they the same? And if I'm right, longboards are made out of baltic right?


Ball Peen
26th November 2012, 08:14 PM
Ply for longboards is prehistoric. The classic Mal is high density foam and fibreglass.

Baltic Birch is known for having no voids.

27th November 2012, 08:54 AM
Many of the longboards and stand up paddle boards are made now from PAULOWNIA.

Locally available and grown, depending where in Aus. you are i guess, it's light and strong

Paulownia Timber Australia (http://www.paulowniasurfboardsupplies.com/)

Free Call 1800 19 12 13

I've a mate that used western Red cedar also.



27th November 2012, 10:15 AM
Oh sorry I didn't explain that correctly, I meant a longboard skateboard :B silly me sorry for the inconvenience :U:doh:

7th December 2012, 01:28 AM
The 'Baltic' part of the name is just US-centric hype, just means it theoretically came from Finland or the USSR, and we couldn't risk having something made by G.D. Commies.......The 'baltic' ply also came in 1.5m x 1.5m square sheets. The US made equvalent was called 'Apple Ply' - as in rhymes with Apple Pie - go figure - and comes in 'standard' 8ft x 4 ft (2440x1220) sheets.

Basically birch ply imported into Australia is 'Aircraft' grade ply - some is tested & graded to real aircraft specs - and real aircraft prices, and some is just 'birch ply' that is not tested & graded to that level.

I suggest making it clear to the supplier that internal voids are not acceptable - in writing - and it you find any, demand a full refund as the goods are not as ordered.