View Full Version : Old Polls

5th April 2005, 09:28 PM
Can we close some of the old polls? Newbies seem to have the need to vote for every poll which brings the poll up to the top without a new post.


5th April 2005, 09:30 PM
Can we have a poll on that???


On second thoughts, why not just summarise them as a final post and close the thread?

5th April 2005, 10:48 PM
Can we close some of the old polls? Newbies seem to have the need to vote for every poll which brings the poll up to the top without a new post.

So when is a newly erected pole not a post? Or is it just getting the top of the poll up the pole and calling it a new post, when in reality it's an old post, and the pole should be pole axed and turned into a vase or something. Perhaps we should take a straw poll on this, and see if the old polls need pulverising and recycled, maybe into posts or something. :D

5th April 2005, 10:52 PM
It is annoying, isn't it? Like we care what these people think :rolleyes:

Cliff Rogers
5th April 2005, 10:58 PM
So when is a newly erected pole not a post? Or is it just getting the top of the poll up the pole and calling it a new post, when in reality it's an old post, and the pole should be pole axed and turned into a vase or something. Perhaps we should take a straw poll on this, and see if the old polls need pulverising and recycled, maybe into posts or something. :D

Do you have to? :rolleyes:

5th April 2005, 11:38 PM
Yes Cliff, I think he does. :D :D :D Don't know why though. :D

Peter. :D

6th April 2005, 09:19 AM
Whaaaaatt :D

Cliff Rogers
6th April 2005, 01:45 PM
It all sounded like reverse 'polish' notation to me. :D

6th April 2005, 04:57 PM
Nah. Its just a bouncing cheque!! ;) :D

6th April 2005, 05:38 PM
It all sounded like reverse 'polish' notation to me. :D
That takes me back a bit Cliff. I got my first ever HP calculator 25 years ago and HP calcs are all reverse polish notation. Took a bit of geting used to but now i find ordinary calcs difficult to use,
I still have that same calculator and use it almost every day,,great machine.


6th April 2005, 07:40 PM
I think Grunt is an old poll....

Al :eek:

8th April 2005, 09:33 PM
or is that an old troll????????????????

8th April 2005, 10:57 PM
Just spent 30 minutes in the poll forum and only managed to close down 8 polls in that time.

I really have got better things to do with my time than this.

In future when you start a poll put a close down date in there of 3 or 4 weeks or whatever you feel is fair, this way maybe we won't need to manually close them down.

Definitely got better things to do with my time. :(

9th April 2005, 10:13 AM
Neil, Why not set it up so all polls close in say 4 weeks.

9th April 2005, 11:11 AM
Thanks Neil

9th April 2005, 10:25 PM
Neil, Why not set it up so all polls close in say 4 weeks.
I am not sure it can be done Bob, but will check.

10th April 2005, 01:36 PM
It is up to the person who starts the poll to name a closing date, not the moderators. There is a box in the poll setup that asks for a closing date and if this isn't filled in then it will just go on for ever.

We really can't close the threads as it would mean closing every thread on the forums that is over a certain age, probably take a team of 50 people about 6 months to do that.

I guess the pollsters will just have to put up with the same problems as everyone else on the forums. ie: he who wants to tap into a 4 year old post and make a reply can do so and take the top spot in the forum for a little while. We all like to think that ours is the most important and relavent post on the forum but sooner or later it will get knocked off the top spot.

What we might consider doing is making the latest polls sticky for maybe 4 weeks so they stay at the top of the forum page. Will see.

Cheers - Neil :)

simon c
10th April 2005, 02:33 PM

I don't think the issue is related to how long a poll has been out, the problem is that when people vote, it changes the last edited date of the thread making it appear as if it has been changed.

There is a setting in the Admin CP... Options where you can switch off "update date on poll vote".

I think this would solve all of the problems we have with polls as the date will only change if somebody makes a post rather than if somebody just votes.


10th April 2005, 06:23 PM
OK Simon I found it..... Who's a clever fellow then.

Fixed it. Now all we have to worry about is the newbies posting a reply to 3 year old threads and rocketing it back to the top of the list.

Cheers - Neil :)

10th April 2005, 07:15 PM
We all like to think that ours is the most important and relavent post on the forum
We all really know, deep down, that it is Al's posts that really mean the most. Used to be Stoppers, but he got lost in the ether. :D

10th April 2005, 07:39 PM
Who's a clever fellow then.

Just cos you're the boss doesn't mean you can't call him a smartasre. :p

10th April 2005, 07:43 PM

10th April 2005, 10:48 PM
Now all we have to worry about is the newbies posting a reply to 3 year old threads and rocketing it back to the top of the list.

Cheers - Neil :)

I HATE that. Can't you do something about it? :rolleyes: :D

10th April 2005, 11:00 PM
I hate anyone posting anything. Stop it.

10th April 2005, 11:31 PM
I hate anyone posting anything. Stop it.
I prefer couriers myself come to think of it.
