View Full Version : external architraves on weatherboard house

9th December 2012, 10:40 PM
When cladding with weatherboards what is the best way to clad next to the window? Should it be right next to the window frame? What is the best way to attach external architrave? What gap is ok between architrave and weatherboard? If there is a gap between architrave and weatherboard, what is the best option to rectify this gap?

10th December 2012, 08:20 PM

When renovating a weatherboard house I always butted the boards to the edge of the window and then put architrave over them. If necessary I put packing strip on either the window or board edge of the architrave to get them parallel to the wall. I would always put a strip of bent galv at the top that sat under the edge of the weatherboard above the window and lapped over the top architrave.



10th December 2012, 09:55 PM
Hi. Kim?

I am only to ready to help you out. However I need to know the following.
1. What type of cladding is it? How thick and is it lapped?
2. Does the window have reveals. I.e. timber surrounds.
3. If so what width are they?
4. What is the thickness of the wall framing and the interior lining?
5. Is there going to be clearance between the top of the window frame and structual head.
With this information I can advise you on how to instal the components for a water tight job.