View Full Version : Outdoor kitchen materials

11th December 2012, 05:51 PM

I am planning to build an outdoor kitchen on a covered deck. The area is not completely weather proof.

I am thinking to use a Ceasarstone or similar for the benchtop and have merbau slats on the doors and on the sides. See image


I would like to make the cabinets water proof (or at least fairly water proof), so I am looking for a backing material to go behind the slats on the doors and the sides. Any suggestions? Also, any advice with regards to the material to use for the insides of the cabinets given that the kitchen wil be outside?



11th December 2012, 06:52 PM
Nover & Company Wetherill Park are selling a 16mm white board that is very moisture resistant. I would give them a call for them to tell you all about it. Its made from sort of polymer.
Disclaimer I just buy stuff off them periodically. No affiliation to the Company

12th December 2012, 02:11 PM
Cowdroy make a plastic sheet product called Nema which looks like melamine coated chipboard whiteboard at a distance, works and machines like whiteboard, takes screws like whiteboard, totally waterproof. We have used it for a few semi enclosed outdoor kitchens without hassles in 2 years since they were installed.

Available in a variety of densities and thicknesses, reasonably expensive compared to MR whiteboard. May be the stuff chambezio was refering to, or an alternate product.

We processed it with a CNC mill, and mounted a single flute high clearance cutter instead of the normal compression cutter dropped the feed by about 50%of that used for whiteboard. Handles a production edge bander without grief.