View Full Version : The World according to George Dubbayer Bush

11th January 2013, 07:21 PM
Or should that be George Dubbo Bush?

I borrowed a documentary DVD from the local Library a few days which documents his 1000 days. It was made by a French filmmaker William Karel

It was absolutely fascinating, and "must watch". Interviews with many key players shed much light on this period.

The three must stunning facts to come out of it were

His grandfather, Prescott Bush, was Adolf Hitler's banker
The Bin Laden family was in the USA on 9/11 at a business meeting, and the next day, the ONLY plane that was cleared for flight was the one that went around picking them all up and taking them out of the country
Bush never had a passport until he became President of the USA!!!!

Think about that last one - how can he form any kind of worthwhile Foreign Policy if he's never been outside the USA!!!! That's a killer.:doh:

There were many more points made, and I was left wondering how he could not have been involved bringing down the World Trade Centre, so as to have an excuse to go to war. I still remember the utter lack of surprise on his face when it was whispered into his ear (he was visiting a school at the time) that the planes had hit. He may as well have been told that his car was out the front.

11th January 2013, 07:35 PM
I wouldn't read too much into a blank look, it can be caused by quite a few things - botox, shock, stupidity etc.:D

13th January 2013, 05:08 PM

I would recommend that you track down a book called "The Family" which is subtitled "The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty" by Kitty Kelley.

It chronicles the political and personal progress of Prescott Bush, H W Bush and George Bush as well as various other members of the clan.

Amongst other things it identifies the importance the Bush brigade placed on money, position and standing in the community: Their preoccupation with the fraternities at Yale (skull and bones) and their ability to cover up indiscretions. (Read my signature at the foot of the page for an insight here :) .) Needless to say it is an unofficial biography.

From the book : Prescott was a well meaning person but out of touch with the man on the street, HW was preoccupied with finance and the quoter was unable to think of anything constructive for George.

Just out of interest. George Bush did not do national service (or whatever it was called in the US) and went awol during that period. He eluded the draft, so I found it a little galling when he announced the end of the Iraq war dressed in army fatigues from an aircraft carrier.

Anyhow it is a very enlightening read. I have the book if you want to borrow it. I think it would be commonly available in most library systems, but probably does not grace the bookshelves at the Bush family home.

Lastly my sympathies (well, very small ones such as they are) lie with the women marrying into the Bush family. They would have to be very keen to saddle themselves with a moniker like that and be doubly careful when choosing names for daughters. I think Fanny would be a no-no.


13th January 2013, 09:44 PM
Bookshelves at the Bush family home?!!:no:

13th January 2013, 10:21 PM
Bookshelves at the Bush family home?!!:no:


There're furniture. Not for actually reading :wink: .


Grumpy John
13th January 2013, 10:39 PM
Lastly my sympathies (well, very small ones such as they are) lie with the women marrying into the Bush family. They would have to be very keen to saddle themselves with a moniker like that and be doubly careful when choosing names for daughters. I think Fanny would be a no-no.


I doubt that Harry would be the first choice for a son either :rolleyes:.