View Full Version : Advisory - large sale lot coming soon.

20th January 2013, 05:42 PM
Due to the unfortunate circumstances of one of my relatives there will be a large amount of tools being sold over the next few months. As I am still cataloguing, cleaning and researching the prices for these tools they are not yet ready for sale. I have placed some photos in my Google album for people to look at, the photos will be added to over the next few weeks. This post is only to let forums members know what is coming, it is not seeking expressions of interest or offers at this stage so please do not contact me.

The radial arm saw and the thicknesser are perfect for a small shop and I can assure you that if I had the space in the workshop they would not be sold. Both are made in Italy, the thicknesser comes with the mortising table which is a rare accessory. Both machines are surprisingly (pleasantly) quiet in operation.

Not shown, but coming, are a Triton Mk3 (thick steel version for those who know them) with router plates, router table insert, Hitachi PSU-9 saw, extension table and the miter guide accessory table. Also coming will be a TR-12 router in excellent condition and later on a number of other electrical tools.

Here is a link to the album (https://plus.google.com/photos/103623368882587784014/albums/5835414960450032641?authkey=CNb5p4TL0dSGIw)

Note: It is possible that not all the items shown will be offered for sale.

20th January 2013, 09:21 PM

Sawdust Maker
22nd January 2013, 08:45 AM
Hmm, had better start saving me pennies!

26th January 2013, 07:04 PM

Looks like some interesting goods coming up :). (Sawdust Maker, I think you'd better start saving the folding stuff too :wink: ).
