View Full Version : Attempt at loading Pics

17th April 2005, 04:33 PM
Attached, maybe, are some pics of a Marri stereo cabinet & Jarrah table... I'm hoping to learn how to post pics...(with my daughters help!!)

Nope - couldn't do it. Any advice??? I went through all the instructions - choose file, upload, etc. but nothing happened. It just sat there saying uploading for ever and ever. So I gave up. How long should it take. It was a JPG file and half an hour is long enough, surely??? (I'm lousy at computers, so I'm sure it's me...)

All advice gratefully received.


17th April 2005, 04:45 PM
Hi Richard

Your file might be too large. I think it should be less than 102kb.

There's some info here that may help you.


Grunt kindly posted details of a JPEG Compress programme some time ago. This may help you with resizing your pics.



The Hornet
17th April 2005, 09:57 PM
You could also try tinypics.com and then save the new smaller image, and upload that.