View Full Version : lucas mill electronic ignition

Tim Creeper
31st January 2013, 03:44 PM
Hi everyone. My Lucas mill packed up yesterday and my repair man (local Lawn mowing centre) is advising that I change back to the old coil ignition system. Can anyone give me some advice? There seems to be a problem with consistent spark from 1 cylinder to the other then no spark. Does anyone know a cost effective way to go about this?

1st February 2013, 08:26 AM
Hey Tim, when you say your mill "packed up" what do you mean? what you've said sounds a bit drastic for want of a better word.

I'm not saying I know everything about a Lucas but the only 'electrical' issue I've ever had has been the key start getting full of fine sawdust and not starting.

What you're saying seems a big job, might want to give Lucas a ring and have a chat with Matt before you go pulling your machine apart.

Tim Creeper
1st February 2013, 11:38 AM
Hi there. An update: I've rung Lucas and talked to Matt. He has a couple ideahs which are 1; one of the safe switches (oil, temp and saw guard safety) may be faulty. 2; The 27hp can shear of the woodruff key on the flywheel when it backfires. My engine repairer thinks it's the electronic ignition system. Kohler have told him that they were a problem and have superceded them with a new unit. About $375.:C Lucas say they have had no trouble with these and consider them bullet proof.:think:Hmm. I hope it's the cheap fix (as we all do) at this stage it's a hobby toy. I think I'll have to get some paid work.

1st February 2013, 09:01 PM
Fingers crossed for a cheap fix Tim...good luck

Tim Creeper
6th February 2013, 12:00 PM
So, Had all the above checked. It was the Electronic ignition after all which turned out to be an $800 option:((. So much for the hobby.