View Full Version : Good service and bad service

27th February 2013, 12:10 PM
The fridge light globe blew so it was off to the big purple shop. It's an odd size and the supermarket had nothing.

Mr Purple found one of half the wattage and seemed to be bamboozled by the catalogues and getting the right one in was too much trouble.

I then rang a lighting specialist. He didn't have one listed on the website but could get it in. I'd have to wait for the order to build and that was fine cos he was also willing to post it out.

Ten minutes later he texted saying he'd found a couple and would put them in the mail in a day or two. All for a $20 transaction in total.

Ace service from Ace Lighting.

28th February 2013, 07:28 PM

Arrived today.

We should now be able to see the mould growing. Oh joy.