View Full Version : Birch Greenman

4th March 2013, 11:25 AM

I'm trying to get some practice in human figure. forget the hair for the moment, let's try to make a greenman ... I'm a bit used to make leaves at least. Even if it won't help to make the mouth ;)

It's almost finished. Still have to clean some details and I will let it stay like that for a while, see how it evolves. In fact it's birch ... fresh and green!
it already haave little cracks but if it doesn't split in two parts, it's okay for me. I hollowed most of his heart behind, hoping that it will help to stabilize.

critiques and comments welcome ! It helps to improve !

David Stanley
4th March 2013, 02:39 PM
Superb carving once again. Although it's not yet totally completed you are well on the way to a very fine result with a nice finish. I don't think a certain degree of splitting would be out of place with this subject even if it does occur. It will be interesting and informative to see if it any cracking happens after your hollowing out precautions. You were wise to choose a subject where it won't matter anyway.

I can't offer much in the way of critique regarding realistic human figure carving as I have not attempted it. Apart from very minor, as yet incomplete details, that are probably already known to you and are just waiting for your final touch-up, like the circle of the right hand eye iris. It seems flawless to me. Great workmanship.

4th March 2013, 06:59 PM
Exceptional work once again Copeau, I wouldn't be worried about cracks, I agree with David, the subject being a green man may even be enhanced with some cracking. Look forward to see how it comes up when you put finish on it. Well done:clap:

4th March 2013, 08:12 PM
Great work. I think it is a quality piece, very well carved . You should be on top of the world and patting yourself on the back.

How much time will you leave it to settle down.


5th March 2013, 03:52 AM
Not normal for me to be in this part of the forum as I spend alot of time in the Toymaking section. Anyway a great piece of carving so far. How many hours have you spent on it so far. What type of finish will you use and will it live outside or in the house. Sorry for so many questions I am looking at carving one of these in the near future the wood is ready in the workshop to mark up. Is there any advice you could give me.

5th March 2013, 09:56 AM
Thanks for your kind comments.

David thanks for pointing the right eye, i'll have a look at it.

I'll keep an eye to see how it goes through time to let it settle, don't know how much... maybe three month minimum.
I keep it in a plastic bag for the moment, and had been suggested to put a fill ("bouche-pores") on it or to dry it in the microwave, like woodturners sometimes do. I'm not sure yet.

I don't know exactly how much time I spent... maybe 4 days. It's still a study of volume and anatomy for me as I just made a few attempts in human faces, but I think I learn with each new try. Hair is an other challenge for me. Last try ended bald-headed 'cause I wasn't happy with how it was going.
I did'nt think about the finish so far, as I first will let it dry. maybe wax.
It will live indoor. I think Birch isn't really suitable for outside, when I see how fast it deteriorate once timber is down on the floor.

What kind of wood did you choose for yours ?
Advices i could think about... well i will tell you about mistakes i already made.
think in 3-D from the beginning, even if a low relief can be flatter than reality.
look carefully how the nose is linked to the cheecks and mouth, nothing is at the same level in the end.
lower lip is quit deeper than the upper lip.
The round of the eyeball is running lower than the eye itself.
For the leaves, I gave a general shape, I made sure the highest points had smooth and even curves. then I hollowed the "flutes", redrawing often, and set the end of leaves, the lobes, at the end.
I hope it will helps you !

5th March 2013, 10:49 AM
Thanks for all the advice. I have a 2" thick piece of tulip wood mine will live indoors after complete if it does not end up in the bin as I am only a total novice at carving but want to learn more.

5th March 2013, 05:19 PM
Beautiful! Is the pattern your own or did you have a sample to copy off?

5th March 2013, 07:27 PM
Really good work Copeau.

The top lip could perhaps be a bit more shapely? If the vines are going into the mouth they would curl under slightly??
But I would be happy with it as is.

5th March 2013, 08:50 PM
Thanks guys,

Sebastian, I didn't really work from a pattern (It is still harder for me to start from a log than from a squared piece of wood, for drawing and defining the shape), but I must admit I kept an eye on a picture of a greenman made by Chris Pye.

Raav, I know about the mouth but with these vines into the mouth, I wasn't experienced enough to make the corners round enough.
I'm quite happy i managed to give it more or less the right place and shape for a mouth !:B
Maybe it was a bit hard for my skill level...

Diggerdelaney, good luck with your attempt, a human face isn't the easiest thing to start with !
Keep us in touch with your work, we will try to help along the process ! Maybe you can try to get some info on the web, there are some tutorials here or there, videos on youtube, or some good books aviable to help.

5th March 2013, 10:33 PM
I have had a good look at u-tube and found some good ones on there. What started me off wanting to do this is the two Chris Pye did in his book "Elements of Woodcarving" which I have.
Sorry for going a little off topic

7th March 2013, 09:18 AM
I was watching the weather report on ABC news the other night and damned if I didn't see a guy with a beard, so I google earthed it and...


7th March 2013, 09:36 AM
That is gorgeous!!!:brava:brava:brava:brava

8th March 2013, 12:40 AM
Hello Copeau

http://smileys.sur-la-toile.com/repository/Respect/aplausos.gif superbe réalisation, tu es bon ! http://smileys.sur-la-toile.com/repository/Respect/aplausos.gif