View Full Version : Something new "Smart materials"

20th March 2013, 10:14 PM
It is certainly an exiting time to be alive. Scientists around the globe are collaborating to return extinct animals to our world, some research suggests we should be heavily stocking our marginal land with cattle to rehabilitate it and reduce the carbon load in the atmosphere and smart materials are just around the corner.

A recent TedTalk highlights new materials that will be available soon:

Catarina Mota: Play with smart materials | Video on TED.com (http://www.ted.com/talks/catarina_mota_play_with_smart_materials.html)

While not specifically about woodworking, I thought the video might be of interest to many Woodies. I found it very interesting and I'm keen to have a look at these product when they hit the market.

Imagine a varnish that will change colour or shade with change in temperature.
