View Full Version : I shot the sheriff but I didn't shoot the deputy

28th March 2013, 11:44 PM
First and foremost. Appologies for that crap thread title. Other options were Mack the knife, or Lonnie the Scraper. :rolleyes:

To be more instinct, Bostock Crt in Thomastown had a felony this morning.

Mostly intended for the 23 blokes that have spent time here, plus the other dozen or so ring ins, that have visited. Plus whoever is interested.

Directly straight across the road, where some off you have parked, just to the left of the poor Rotweiller dog.

Police charge factory owner with murder after shooting | thetelegraph.com.au (http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/national/police-investigate-after-man-shot-dead-attempting-to-break-into-classic-car-factory/story-fndo2dsc-1226608687131)

I couldn't get into work today, I tried this morning, but the street was cut off. So I went and did a days work. I still coundn't get back in about 14.30

Man killed, another injured in Melbourne shootings - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-03-28/man-killed-another-injured-in-melbourne-shootings/4598612)

To cut to the chase. I've had 3 - 4 members write / ring. I'm fine but dont ever touch my allen keys. :D

29th March 2013, 12:23 AM
Glad you weren't there Phil! I pricked up my ears when I heard 'Rostock Crt' on the news, but happily none of the details matched any reference to you. Thanks for the reassuring post!

29th March 2013, 01:13 AM
I pricked up my ears when I heard 'Rostock Crt' on the news ,

That was my very first thought as I awoke this morning. The clock radio went off just as I openend my eyes at 6ish. I heard about this shooting in Thomastown, thinking I hope that hasn't happanened down the Paris end of Thomastown. It was just over the road.

We / I were heading for Goulbern Valley today.. I'm still at home in Melb. The vans full of jobs. I'll off load them in the morning.

Regards Phil.

29th March 2013, 05:14 AM
On the news Phil they did an aerial shot showing your factory and the woodworker next door. I gotta say my heart skipped a beat. :oo:
Rough end of town. Perhaps you could get Marco to stay in your shed and if anyone breaks in he could say" I've got a joke for you"...they would run a mile :D
You have now officially been gifted my Allen keys. Use them well.
Seriously though, I am glad you weren't doing a late return to the factory or a very early start Phil. Coulda' got interesting.

Phil (the other other)

29th March 2013, 09:07 AM
I see he has been charged with murder now......

29th March 2013, 09:21 AM
I see he has been charged with murder now......

Yeah, that's a bit rough. I would of expected manslaughter at the very least.

Glad your okay Phil.

(I have my own Allen keys, ta :) )

29th March 2013, 09:55 AM
Good to hear you're ok, shooting a burglar is now murder? I get the feeling there must be more to the story..

Josh and I were down in Campbellfield yesterday to pick up some of the bits and pieces from the Dana Auction, and were almost going to drop around to see if you were in, and we could borrow some allen keys... :)


29th March 2013, 10:42 AM
Good to hear you're ok

shooting a burglar is now murder?
Well he was shot in the head and found on the footpath (according to the news) so at the very least the guy will have some explaining to do.

Might start calling Phil first rather than doing the pop in.


29th March 2013, 11:51 AM
...shooting a burglar is now murder?

I believe it can be Ray, if the you kill the bloke and he wasn't presenting any threat to you.

Greg Q
29th March 2013, 05:57 PM
Phil, when you rang yesterday, I should have answered " G'Day, Killer!". I was up before the dawn* and saw the story online and thought of you and crime scene tape and a day wasted locked out of the factory. I'm glad you were able to get a day's work in anyway.

*Supertramp. Words to live by then, not so much now. Sigh.

29th March 2013, 09:32 PM
I'm glad all is well for you Phil. I pity the man who shot the intruders......

Hearing it on the news, and not knowing Melbourne at all, i was sure someone was in Thomastown but couldn't remember who.

30th March 2013, 09:44 AM
You have to feel sorry for the business owner.... I heard he was recently separated, thus the reason why he was at his workshop..... You can be sure he has now lost his business... Cannot work as he is in jail.... Will no doubt have legal expenses in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.. Unable to access legal aide as he would be considered too "rich" because he owns a business...

So the poor bloke is stuffed all because some scumbags thought they could take away property he had worked for...

That is of course if this was a break in gone wrong and not some underworld criminal retribution sort of thing...

4th April 2013, 09:04 AM
You have to feel sorry for the business owner.... I heard he was recently separated, thus the reason why he was at his workshop..... You can be sure he has now lost his business... Cannot work as he is in jail.... Will no doubt have legal expenses in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.. Unable to access legal aide as he would be considered too "rich" because he owns a business...

So the poor bloke is stuffed all because some scumbags thought they could take away property he had worked for...

That is of course if this was a break in gone wrong and not some underworld criminal retribution sort of thing...

Hi all,

Glad to hear you're OK Phil.

So, the business owner obviously had a firearm with him. I bet it was not locked away in an approved secure safe and I bet the ammunition was not stored and secured in a separate location. If the other guy was unarmed, then he used unreasonable force and now the other guy is dead. Not to mention dead on the street where it may be difficult to prove he was still a threat. Not a very good position to be in even if you do think you have the right to kill someone for stealing your property.

Personally I think I'd let insurance take care of the missing stuff and then I would still enjoy turning up for work on the Monday instead of being remanded in custody with a murder charge over my head.

I am only speculating and I only know what I have read on this forum. I've just got back from a 7 day camping trip. There may be circumstances (as mentioned above) that we are unaware of.



4th April 2013, 03:45 PM
If the other guy was unarmed, then he used unreasonable force ... ... or maybe he could have let the "burglar" beat him nearly to death with his bare hands, before feeling justified enough to use "unreasonable force".

I also don't know the specifics of what happened, but it's a brave person who can so easily pass judgement on someone who it would appear was the victim of a home/business invasion.

4th April 2013, 04:08 PM
... or maybe he could have let the "burglar" beat him nearly to death with his bare hands, before feeling justified enough to use "unreasonable force".

I also don't know the specifics of what happened, but it's a brave person who can so easily pass judgement on someone who it would appear was the victim of a home/business invasion.

Possibly. I did read above that the "victim" was found on the street, not in the factory. One person dead and another was burgled, who's the greater victim? For most law abiding citizens, owning a firearm for protection is not practical. By the time you realise you are being threatened, it's usually too late to unlock your firearms, unlock the separate safe for the ammunition, load the weapon and defend yourself. Then again if you live a lifestyle that requires you to sleep with a loaded weapon under your bed or in your vehicle then live by the sword, die by the sword. I bet the dead dude and the shooter were known to each other.

Anyway, at the end of the day, one person is dead and another person is facing possibly many years in custody. No winners.


4th April 2013, 04:24 PM
but it's a brave person who can so easily pass judgement on someone

I also don't know what happened either, other than whats been reported and that is that one guy has pass judgement (possibly from a second story window of one would assume a locked factory) on the intent of another guy who appears to have been on the footpath(at least thats where he was found).

BTW He has been remanded in custody until July. Didnt apply for bail. Unkown if he will apply to the Supreme Court for bail.


4th April 2013, 04:27 PM
I did read above that the "victim" was found on the street, not in the factory. One person dead and another was burgled, who's the greater victim?Hindsight is 20/20, however it could have easily been the other way around - you have a seemingly innocent guy at his place of work, when it gets broken into by a criminal. Why should this guy (the true victim of the initial crime) allow himself to become a further victim of the unknown intentions of this burglar/psychotic killer/who knows? He certainly didn't ask to be put in that position.

4th April 2013, 05:13 PM
(the true victim of the initial crime) What crime is that? For all I know the guy found dead on the footpath was walking along singing to loudly. Problem is we cant ask him.


4th April 2013, 05:18 PM
For all we know he wasn't.

4th April 2013, 05:24 PM
Anyway, at the end of the day, one person is dead and another person is facing possibly many years in custody. No winners.
Ain't that the truth. Just sad all around.

And this street is freakin me out at the moment. There must have been a bit of a wake here Monday night, all the footpaths over that side of the court, where covered in chalk drawn messages. From what I can work out, some would have been from the dead kids 2 sisters. There's flowers tied to a tree. And Texta mesages on the tree.

And the thing that freaks me out, there's a bed sheet tied to the fence. All painted up. "Miss U - R.I.P Wade". I left here after dark last night, and something is freaking me out.

Which is silly and inconsequential given the problems for both sides. The kids funeral is tomorrow. Ivan the tenant's trial doesn't start for a few months, and I don't think he has a leg to stand on. The kid was found just outside the gate, on the public side.

I will say, they must have made a hell of a racket, and there was 3 of them. The 3 strands of barbed wire, have been cut across the gate. And all of the sharp crosses on top of a wire mesh gate. They had been beaten about to round them off over the top pipe rail. I'm thinking that would have taken some time, and a lot of noise. Seems to be no doubt to me, they were coming over the gate.

Security camera from next door, the place on the North side. That showed them (2 cars) pulling up right on my drive, casing that place, then leaving for about 5 minutes, then coming back and parking on the other side. But just short of that address.

Not the sharpest tools in the shed. Ivan's regular car and ute were locked behind the gates, on the factory parking, very similar to mine. You might think there would be some one in attendance. But why he didn't turn on some lights, raise a noise, let out his dogs, or fire a warning shot, if you were inclined to reach for a firearm. A shot into the air from a 22, wouldn't raise any suspicion around here at 2.30 am

It was a cold wet ###### night, and they were certainly determined to get in. And there were 3 of them, and 2 cars.

I can probably explain having the gun there, the working back late story. I think he split up with his missus about 12 months ago, and has been living there - upstairs since. That time of night, wouldn't surprise me if he was still half cut.

Anyway, its all getting a little sub-judiciary. The guy will have his trial starting in a few months. If the Mods see the need, please delete the thread.

What R.C was saying about the business, winding up. They were stripping the factory out as soon as last Saturday. I wasn't here but the toolmaker next door tells me he saw air compressors and stuff leaving Saturday. I was in Monday. Several tilt trays and a larger pantech, pulling work in progress cars out of the joint. They were all packed up and finished by about 2.30 p.m.

Regards Phil.