View Full Version : Mont blank help

2nd May 2005, 04:15 AM
I recently purchased a mont blanc style pen kit , and I'm a bit scared of making it since I've only done slimline pens. All I want to know is how easy is it to make and is there any tips to ensure it does not crack?

Thanks in advanced , kristian

2nd May 2005, 10:01 AM
"Pens From The Woodlathe" by Dick Sing. (Again :mad: )

Fred in Tassie
2nd May 2005, 10:07 AM
Hello Kristian,

If you have already made a slimline you will not have any problems with the mont blanc, just follow the instructions supplied with the kit, and turn to those measurements.
Use sharp tools, sound blanks a good quality glue well spread over the entire tube this also assists in reducing cracking/splitting.

Good Luck

2nd May 2005, 12:50 PM
The only thing Fred forgot was take your time and enjoy it.


2nd May 2005, 10:39 PM
Hi Kristian,

You won't have any trouble with the mount blanc style pen. If you can make a slim line pen, no problems. Like with all projects, measure twice, cut once, especially for the central ring. Turning Pens And Pencils by Kip Christensen and Rex Burningham is a good book on pen making.

To all things good


2nd May 2005, 10:50 PM
Hi Kristian,

You won't have any trouble with the mount blanc style pen. If you can make a slim line pen, no problems. Like with all projects, measure twice, cut once, especially for the central ring. Turning Pens And Pencils by Kip Christensen and Rex Burningham is a good book on pen making.

To all things good
