View Full Version : Bathing the catzen.....precautions justifiably taken

30th April 2013, 09:22 PM
Just finished bathing the Three Little Buggers. As is my habit, I trimmed their claws beforehand. Just as well because Blackatter is a very strong boy indeed. I always finish with Lizzie as she struggles the least, and isn't as strong as wiry little Nursie.

The poor little guys let out the most pitiful howling. When I was doing Nursie (who normally has a very quiet, almost inaudible voice), the howling was getting to Lizzie pretty badly, so she came out to the kitchen and started showing her support for her sister, by mewing back (Lizzie is the matriach, even though they are siblings). Very cute.

All over now, and frantic grooming proceeds in front of the fire. The Boy has forgiven me, and is accepting lots of pats.

No pics I'm afraid - I was a little bit busy at the time :D


30th April 2013, 09:57 PM
No pics, didn't happen. :p
I only ever bath cats if it is absolutely necessary. i.e. I used them to mop up a paint spill.