View Full Version : List of suppliers

10th May 2013, 07:30 PM
Hi all, and admin,

Why don't we start a collective listing of all the mills, timber suppliers, hardware shops, hinge dudes, etc etc used in our craft in a custom directory?

We can all chip in with what we find and list their details (products, name, site, etc) all cross referenced by location, product, etc.

I recon I could whip up the framework in a day or so, but I suppose it matters that the admin, the advertisers and the members are "go" on this.

It would be an awesome way to get new people into the game faster and a good way to attract advertisers (say, who is in charge of that anyway! Hire someone to sell more!)

Has this been tried before?

10th May 2013, 07:50 PM
Have a look here (http://www.woodworkforums.com/f12/information-spreadsheets-136680/). It's nearly two years old, but certainly would have many of the current suppliers. The idea didn't seem to catch on, and I was buggered if I was going to do it all myself!