View Full Version : new to welding

9th May 2005, 12:49 AM
I've not welded before and would like to read up before doing the deed. I've read a few things on stick(Arc), Mig and Tig but would value the names of a book or two for the beginner. All looks pretty easy but I'd rather learn a thing or two before jumping in.
Also maybe you could suggest a store or two that gives good advice on make/model of various welders. (Perth...south of the river)

9th May 2005, 01:27 AM
Greg, Can't help you with any "uptodate" books but most librarys have a range of suitable books including (sometimes) text from current TAFE modules. Try Cockburn city library.

Burn Back Welding are in O'Connor as are All Tools who are the local BOC agent.

BBW are not the cheapest but sometimes have various 2 nd hand machines for sale. They are also good for welding machine repairs.

What type of welding do you want to do??


9th May 2005, 01:57 AM
I was in your position not so long ago.

Although this is not the answer you want, the web really has a lot of info on welding. I think the most important thing I learnt was to clean the site of the weld thoroughly before pulling the trigger of my MAG/MIG welder.

Grahame Collins
10th May 2005, 11:19 PM
Metals and How to weld them. James F.Lincoln Foundation

Procedure Handbook of welding. as above

The best there are and top value as they are subsidised by Lincoln.
well written and written in laymans terms. The standard text for years.
Ex welding teacher

Cliff Rogers
10th May 2005, 11:31 PM
I'm not a welder but the Lincoln books are the only ones I can ever remember seeing on the subject.