View Full Version : Sanding machine - linisher

Robert WA
5th October 2002, 07:30 PM
What is a linisher?
An aquaintance was sounding off at a party about his woodworking exploits and mentioned that he part finished all the parts of a chest he had made on a "linisher". I got the message that it was some sort of sanding machine but didn't get to ask for any detail.
Sanding being my least enjoyed workshop activity, I would like to know of anything that eliminates it as a chore.

John Saxton
5th October 2002, 09:04 PM
Generally refers to a stand alone belt sanding machine.The most common being the 48"X6" with a 9" disc...around $400 but cheaper than that if shopping around.
Predominately of Taiwanese manufacture for the everymans model.

Cheers http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/smile.gif

8th October 2002, 10:19 PM
linish is an irregular vowel.
The term properly applies to metalwork.
metalworkers linish, wood workers sand.

Hare & forbes refer to their belt disk wood working derived machine as a linisher probably because they sell mainly metal working equipment.

Hence the confusion.
If you wanted to get fussy a discussion between true examples of the two machines could go on for a while.
