View Full Version : Zebrawood Cufflinks

25th June 2013, 03:39 PM
Here are some Zebrawood Cufflinks I made.
Super simple to do. The cufflink kits come from Timberbits. These are simply cut with a 1/2 inch plug cutter, then sliced on a bandsaw and sanded by hand.
They each have a couple of drops of CA on the top, with micro-mesh to clean up, and then held in place with thick CA.

This could be done to have a flush finish (rather than the surround shaddow on these) by simply turning down some timber to exactly the right diameter on the lathe, then slicing on the bandsaw (or parted off).

Hope you like them.



25th June 2013, 07:13 PM
Looks good to me :2tsup:

26th June 2013, 08:47 AM
I wear a lot of cufflinks, a pair to work every day (yes I'm a desk wallah!). I only have one pair of wood ones, European Oak.

I like this idea, maybe it would be an idea to make myself some - thanks for the thought and explanation of how.

Nice work by-the-way.

26th June 2013, 09:08 AM
You could also shape these by turning on the lathe with a hemisphere on one end - I think that would give a really nice touch and would certainly give an opportunity to show off whatever exotic timber you use in it. With such a small amount of timber needed, you could afford to use even the most expensive timbers.

I think this is a good protect for the off cuts of nice pen blanks.