View Full Version : Bottles for home brewing

2nd July 2013, 08:56 AM
I used to do a lot of home brewing but stopped when I contracted Prostate Cancer. ( The cancer apparently feeds on sugars so I don't drink much beer now.) I now am left with dozens of 750 ml bottles that I need to dispose of. They are old XXXX bottles that predate screw tops. They are mainly housed in plastic stackable boxes that hold 16 bottles. My questions are -
Are these bottles still being used for home brew?
If so, is there any demand for them?
How would I find home brewers who want them?
Would they have a sale value and if so what value?

Any response would be appreciated or otherwise I will have to feed them slowly into my recycle bin.

2nd July 2013, 12:07 PM
Yes they are still sort after, put em on gumtree or the weekend shopper $10 a dozen you should get rid of them or try the market place on here another forumite may be interested.

3rd July 2013, 09:22 AM
tdrumnut. Thanks for the reply. I don't know how many bottles I have but it must be more than 20 dozen, most gathering dust in my shed. I don't live in a high population area so finding buyers close by who want bottles won't be simple and I'll have to clean them up a bit before I put them on the market.
Thanks once again for the information,

Sir Stinkalot
3rd July 2013, 10:34 AM
The bottles are very good for home brew and too good to just recycle. They are also used for various home made sauces however this perhaps isn't as popular than in the past.

I too would recommend listing on gum tree given it is free. I wouldn't bother too much cleaning them up as the buyer would still need to give them a good clean anyway. I am sure that somebody will be willing to travel if they could get an entire collection of good old bottles.

4th July 2013, 09:16 AM
Thanks for the response. Now I'll have to work out how to list articles for sale in Gumtree. Have just mastered Ebay, after a lot getting help from my youngest daughter.

4th July 2013, 08:47 PM
Dont forget the weekend shopper in the courier mail Whitewood, adds under $500 are free and they put it on traderoo as well.