View Full Version : Never let a wood turner clean up the garden

7th July 2013, 10:09 PM
Was cleaning up the garden this afternoon and came across an interesting log. Looked at it and said to SHMBO this will have some interesting colour and wandered off.

an hour or so later, I came out of the shed with this.


I think she has forgiven me, it is already in use to hold toothpicks..... Got no idea what the wood is, but it had some nice spalting and there was a lot of CA used in the turning process. Was finished with teak oil and shellawax.

It was fun and made a change from pens

8th July 2013, 07:42 AM
Nice little authentic piece there Gra out of something that would have been tossed in the trailor...can't help with identifying the timber either mate....


9th July 2013, 06:22 AM
So, how did the log find it's way into the garden? It can't have been there last time you cleaned up or it would have been turned before now!

What ever, you've done the poor thing proud, and your good lady seem to be impressed.

9th July 2013, 09:45 AM
So, how did the log find it's way into the garden? It can't have been there last time you cleaned up or it would have been turned before now!

What ever, you've done the poor thing proud, and your good lady seem to be impressed.

It was probably something we cut down last time and was left to dry out, then forgotten about

9th July 2013, 02:57 PM
Last time I cleaned the garden I used Roundup :D Missus now looks after garden when I convince her it is called a garden bed and beds are womens problems:p
I must be deaf now as I have not heard much from her since.:2tsup: