View Full Version : DIY power scraper Part II

10th July 2013, 12:31 AM
After 18 months I thought it was time for a bit of an update on my bunnix scraper


Other than adding a pretty shocking looking handle and a loop of wire for a spring balance(Marco was right it gets heavy very quickly lol) I havent done anything to it as I fully expected it to break or wear the slides* out.

I think its done a fair amount of work as without a surface grinder I'm working with old castings that need reworking without grinding first, a milled face, or even black bar. I pulled the clamp block off to have a look the other day. It hasn't worn through the black oxide on the steel part and although the picture of the aluminium block doesnt look so good it is in fact very smooth and looks like it will last a long time yet.(the red rectangles are were the aluminium block slides)

Might be time to show a bit of confidence and pretty things up a little, or will that guarantee a break down?


*slides is a some what generous term for where bare Aluminium meets non-machined black bar :p

10th July 2013, 10:22 AM
Hi Stuart,
After going through the whole thread last night, I only just noticed that you didn't angle you blade down, how do you find it straight?

The ozito I bought to use has a short stroke already, and utilises a wobble drive, not an eccentric. Its ram is flat, maybe 14 x 3mm, running in bushings of some sort. I wonder if that will hold up to the twisting force ok......its not something I had considered.

Murphy says if you pretty it up she'll be dead in a week......


10th July 2013, 11:32 AM
I think its done a fair amount of work as without a surface grinder I'm working with old castings that need reworking without grinding first, a milled face, or even black bar.

Hi Stuart, Bring it with you next time you are up this way, if you want ground surfaces...


10th July 2013, 10:44 PM
Hi Bob,
Went I made that "handle" I thought I'd have time to think about what shape the "new improved" handle would be while I was scraping. I've found unlike hand scraping, power scraping isnt a peaceful relaxing time lol.
Surprisingly the flat bar doesnt seem to get in the way. It was left there in case some extra was needed for the phase 2 slides which would have been bronze on tool steel, then the extra would have been removed.

Hi Ewan,
Nope no angled blade, but I have the option. I think its fine as it is(though I havent had an angled blade so I dont have a lot to base that on). I think it's just going to change how high your right hand is....maybe on bigger work it would be more of an issue with one you liked?

Maybe both the handle and blade angle would matter more if I wasn't using a spring balance?

How short a stroke? I had mine set on 6mm for ages thinking it wouldn't make much difference :doh:cranking it up to 12mm made a huge difference to the amount of metal I could move.

Hi Ray,

Thanks, will do.
