View Full Version : bookcase with moving parts, any ideas?

22nd July 2013, 10:50 AM
been along time since ive posted anything on here.
Im in the planning stages of a bookcase to store Pop-Up books.
What I intend to do is make a small dedicated case purely for these books, doesnt necesarily need to be an open fronted case, im very open to ideas.
if no one is familiar with these books have a look at Robert Sabuda, or David A. Carter. You can find there books on youtube and you will be suprised at the feats of engineering that they are!

So the plan is to make something that has moving parts, a whimsical delight for a child.
Ive looked and thought about automata in some way, panels that fold out and into other things similar to a popup book panel, but how to go about this im unsure.
My google image search has not turned up anything of interest, and I am unaware if anyone has tried this before.

So what im after is putting this idea to the masses and seeing what ideas or suggestions you amazingly crafty people can come up with.

No idea is stupid, no question is wrong, I look forward to any help anyone can give!

Cheers! 277912

22nd July 2013, 04:28 PM
You could hollow out the non-structural parts of the side panels, and attach a similarly hollowed out panel to the ends, hinged at the back, that could open like a book. And using some lightweight PVC plastic (like they make these shads out of... http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NjQwWDgwMA==/z/wC0AAOxyYYlRprqE/$T2eC16VHJF4FFkO6TqUnBRprqE,KDQ~~60_35.JPG ), make some popup style inserts.

Come to think of it, on the lamp shade theme, you could run some LED strip lighting inside there too, so that it lights up when opened, making for a built in reading lamp!

tea lady
22nd July 2013, 06:17 PM
Maybe you could have cut out silhouettes that slide along the front like a stage set. In slots along the front of the books. :hmm: Little creatures that pop up if you push something. :cool:

22nd July 2013, 09:27 PM
Both awesome Ideas, the sliding panels on the door I was actually just watching videos on gear mechanisms to make panels move and reset to original position in one motion.
there is some amazing wood mechanisms on youtube, but how to incorporate some of them is the tricky part.

Turning the sides of the case/cabinet into a giant book is an awesome idea. using plastics i could just pull apart a page from a spare book and use the pieces as stencils .

time for some sketches!:2tsup: