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20th May 2005, 05:09 PM
I am after some expert advice with trimming veneer edge I am putting on raised panels.

I have glued a 6mm veneer strip in a groove routed around the edge of the field of raised panels. See pic.

The panels, 6, are for a cabinet's doors.

The top is easy to get level, using scrapers and sandpaper.

The lips are tedious. I start with a card scraper then use sandpaper wrapped around a square block.

Sometimes I get a little careless, especially where I have too much glue squeeze out and I scratch the veneer.

I have considered using the router to get a cleaner edge but there isn't much room for error.

Any suggestions or do I just continue on with care?


20th May 2005, 11:35 PM
Hi there, where is Waitara? Are you talking about trimming the veneer on the outside edge of the panel's? If so, the only method I use, is with a medium grade file moving along the edge with the file almost flat on the surface, using your fingertip to raise the file just off the surface so as to not scratch or mark the surface, then smooth over all edge's with some 120 grit paper and a block, hope I was of some help.

journeyman Mick
20th May 2005, 11:48 PM
Hi there, where is Waitara?..................

North Shore Line, Sydney

Mich (ex chatswood high)

22nd May 2005, 10:09 PM
I am no expert, but the following works for me. Stand the panel on edge on a firm base (piece if timber), put a steel rule or similar up against the panel and cut through the veneer with a trimming knife. A veneer saw is much better if you have one. Then sand the edge to remove the surplus. Bandings etc are can be treated with a sanding sealer or similar, and sanded off with paper on a block. The sealer will show clearly how far you have sanded.

23rd May 2005, 10:57 AM
Thanks for the suggestions.

I have made some progress.
As Matrix suggested I used a fine file. I had a fine rifler file with a broard curve that fits the shape left by the panel raising bit.

This meant I was also filing the lower surface a little. It was pretty minor and will easily come out when I and finish sanding the panel.

Where the veneer edge wants to tear, I think I will glue 100grit sandpaper to a wooden block and gently sand along the edge.

3 panels down and 3 to go.
