View Full Version : Stanley Sweet Heart 733 - What Color?

31st August 2013, 05:16 AM
Hi. I recentlypurchased a Stanley Sweet Heart 733 breast Drill. It was spray painted black and when I removedthat paint it was yellow underneath. I readin Stanley Catalogue 34 that they were painted black & orange and had Cocobolohandles. I have seen other pictureswhere they were black and yellow. I havealso seen pictures of just black ones. Does anyone own one that knows for sure? Appreciate it. Chris

31st August 2013, 06:28 AM
The 1934 catalog says black and orange. I've seen pictures of some that were all black. And of course the old catalogs are in black and white!

31st August 2013, 11:24 AM
I don't have one at the moment but orange and black seems to be the original.
For that era at least.