View Full Version : Floor Polishing

31st August 2013, 12:38 PM
Hi all,

Sorry if I'm in the wrong forum, and also if this question has been asked before.

I have cypress pine flooring at my house, at least 10 years old. I would imagine that the finish is some sort of lacquer, done by a commercial floor sander / polisher.

At some point in the future I intend to sand, repair if necessary and reseal, but at this point I just need to polish the floor of a room that I have just renovated as there are quite a few scuff marks. I was thinking of buying or hiring a commercial floor polisher and using a wax polish or similar. Would this work?? And if so, could I just continue waxing without resealing in the future with lacquer?

Thank you for any advice.


12th September 2013, 02:30 PM
If or when you need to sand the room, all the varnish has to come off whatever you use otherwise there is a good possibility of the two coatings rejecting each other.
once sanded, depending on the product you use, yes you can then continuously rejuvenate it as time goes by without the need to varnish it. the advantages of for example natural penetrating oils that do contain waxes it that the timber is nourished, no plastic coating is on top of the boards making rejuvenation at a later stage not difficult. it also allows you boards to move individually as they are not "edge bonded" with varnish. the colour of the cypress is really enriched and there are no toxic fumes so you/ your family can stay in the house. because it is not a layer system like varnish, you can quiet easily do room by room.
if this is something of interest to you let me know and can point you in the right direction with info sheets.