View Full Version : Veneer

23rd May 2005, 05:41 PM
Hi All,

Let us begin immediately to break the ice. I have to restore an old furniture, which has, did have, some surface with ruined veneer. I just removed the old veneer and now I must replace it with a new but I don't know the exact procedure to do it. I have : hide glue and veneer hummer .
Time ago when I was speaking with an oldman, old craftsman, he told me that hide glue have to be put on the veneer even. I am a little in confusion.
Is there anybody who can help me?:confused:

23rd May 2005, 06:07 PM
To describe the procedure is more difficult than doing it. :D

Brush the hot hide glue onto the base and wet the veneer both sides. Place oversized veneer onto the base and with a warm iron ( the oldfashioned all metal ones that your grandmother would have used ) press the veneer down.

Then use the veneer hammer to squeze out ( not hammer ) any air pockets and excess glue. If the glue starts to dry before you are finished rewet the veneer and reheat the glue with the warm iron.

When dry and the glue has hardened trim the veneer to size and sand carefully. Bit messy but fun. :D


23rd May 2005, 06:23 PM
To describe the procedure is more difficult than doing it. :D

Brush the hot hide glue onto the base and wet the veneer both sides. Place oversized veneer onto the base and with a warm iron ( the oldfashioned all metal ones that your grandmother would have used ) press the veneer down.

Then use the veneer hammer to squeze out ( not hammer ) any air pockets and excess glue. If the glue starts to dry before you are finished rewet the veneer and reheat the glue with the warm iron.

When dry and the glue has hardened trim the veneer to size and sand carefully. Bit messy but fun. :D

Thanks Sturdee, another advice please: I have veneer as some stripes. To cover a bigger surface, Do I have to put a stripe over the other and after I have to cut it with a very keen knife? I hope to be clear.

23rd May 2005, 06:28 PM
Your welcome.

If the veneer is in nice straight strips the best way is to put them together with some masking tape on the side that is to go on top before you start.

The masking tape will come of afterwards without any problems and it is much easier this way.


23rd May 2005, 06:37 PM
Your welcome.

If the veneer is in nice straight strips the best way is to put them together with some masking tape on the side that is to go on top before you start.

The masking tape will come of afterwards without any problems and it is much easier this way.

Thanks, I'll do a straight side on my veneer.