View Full Version : Snowman Mark I

13th September 2013, 10:49 AM
Made a quick snowman. Going to make some different size ones for decor and some to hang on the tree. The wife is going to paint them.






13th September 2013, 11:07 AM
what a great project! might have a go at a few myself!

13th September 2013, 11:32 AM
Looks good Bret, and the grain really pops. I like this a lot. :2tsup:

Planning eyes and a nose?
(Carrotlike nose?)

I saw an interesting post by 'Whittling' the other day in the 'Carving' section on fitting plastic toy eyes to wood carvings. Maybe not quite right for a snowman, though.

Edit: Yep, I'm spending a fair bit of time in this section now, picking up tips for when my little lathe arrives.

13th September 2013, 11:38 AM
Thanks Chuck and Steve. Yes I was in the hobby store with the wife today. She was looking at Xmas ornaments. I thought to myself I can make those on the lathe. I am also going to have a go at one of the wooden nutcrackers. My mom collects them. She has about 50 of them. I plan on making her a couple for Xmas presents. I also found a turned angel with wings applied after. My mother in law loves angels. So Ive got two Xmas presents checked off the list.

Steve Ive been wondering what parts you are going to make for you VW on the lathe?


13th September 2013, 11:54 AM
Steve Ive been wondering what parts you are going to make for you VW on the lathe?

Just the wheels, Bret. I've been looking at an original '64 Beetle wheel, and when I re-read your '32 Ford thread yesterday, I noticed that your wheels are very similar to what I need. (Got a spare set?)

I don't want white-walls, but otherwise a skinny version of your wheels would look good. Even the hub cap is similar to a VW. I plan to use your pics as a guide. When I get a chance, I'll post pics in my build thread of your wheel and a '64 VW wheel side-by-side, for comparison.

I could also make the headlight lenses, but I might be able to make them by cutting off the front of a pair of T&J headlights. I have 50 of them, but just need to see if they look suitable.

14th September 2013, 01:06 AM
Good looking snowman Bret:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:. How many do you plan to make. You could always make a Christmas log with some of your off cuts of wood like this one http://www.woodworkforums.com/f8/christmas-log-145108/

14th September 2013, 11:38 AM
You're becoming quite good with the lathe Bret.
I love the grain in the timber......it'd be a shame to paint it..
Is there going to be a set ranging from small to large??
Cheers, crowie

14th September 2013, 12:19 PM
Thank You Peter and Derek. Peter I am sad to say Snowman Mark I has been painted. I also made Snowman Mark II.

Snowman Mark II


Snowman Mark I getting a snazzy paint job by the wife.:D



14th September 2013, 12:57 PM
Very good..... but don't get any paint on the table or you'll be in strife with you know you and you won't be able to blame the boys.....:U

14th September 2013, 06:37 PM
Bret, thanks for the inspiration to play.

I had some scraps of Mango Root and Gidgee, so I had a go at mini snowmen. The 2 Mango Root are about 50 - 60mm tall, the smaller one finished in the Hard Burnishing oil and the Taller on finished in Glow. The Gidgee one requires the last third to be added, I had a dig around the scraps and found a suitable bit of Coolibah burl. The Gidgee is finished in the Hard Burnishing oil.

I rolled the beads with my 1/2" skew, I find I have more control and get a better "off the tool" finish with a Skew then a gouge.

14th September 2013, 07:25 PM
Very imaginative!!:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

Now stop it!!! You are having TOO much fun!!!:D:p

14th September 2013, 09:27 PM
Thanks guys.

Pat I used the a 1/2" gouge on the first one. The second one I used my skew and as you said, I had much more control in forming the coves. My skew is 1" though I need a smaller one like yours.


15th September 2013, 12:40 PM
Snowman I got a full paint job. Also made a little snowman. I attempted an angel but made her head to small!!!




I am officially on vacation for 9 days so should get all the Rocketships completely finished and start Mark V.


15th September 2013, 12:50 PM
Bret, the angel's head looks in proportion to her body. Now for you to fashion wings out of gossamer:;

I've turned the body for no 3, just got to glue up and fix the finish, nearly had a ufo :U

15th September 2013, 01:51 PM
Looks like Father Christmas's workshop.......maybe it was too cold at the North Pole & he needed to warm his bones in the Texas summer.
The angel does look good and the snowman is great, WELL DONE Bret.....
Cheers, crowie

PS - Enjoy you holidays....

16th September 2013, 01:59 AM
Thanks Pat and Peter.

The Snowman family


Lumber haul from this morning. All from the scrap pile.



Thats alot of Snowmen and Rocketships! LOL


16th September 2013, 02:03 AM
Great job on the snowmen Bret. Looks like you are enjoying this turning lark too much. Now get back and make some toys:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::;:;

Now you can see why I enjoy all forms of woodworking

16th September 2013, 10:30 AM
They come up well, all painted up. Good score with the timber, too.

16th September 2013, 04:17 PM
Looking really nice.
You can make different shape snow-people (not just snowmen) - see below