View Full Version : Sodium Silicate Supplier

13th October 2013, 09:12 PM
Does anyone know of a source for sodium silicate (water glass) for producing co2 hardened sand cores.
It is readily available from most pottery supply stores but this doesn't appear to be the right product.

This site mentions the difference between pottery and foundry grades.

myfordboy blog and online resources: Core Making (http://myfordboy.blogspot.com.au/p/core-making.html)

If anyone has used sodium silicate for core production or knows where to get the right stuff I'd appreciate any advise.



17th November 2013, 04:08 PM
I got 2kg bottle of 99.9% powdered sodium silicate off Ebay from Korea

I havent done it , but Drain'o' / silica gel / water , makes a poor mans water glass ( dip news paper in it , wrap around fencing wire , to make welding rods )

18th November 2013, 08:56 PM
I ended up getting a 20 L drum of "Sodasil" from Cast Metal Services in Brisbane.
Much more qty than I needed but the price with freight was reasonable.

I haven't done much with it yet but early tests look promising.
