View Full Version : The Cleared Land, the Planted Trees, and now the Sawmill.

Bob Whitworth
22nd October 2013, 11:25 AM
Is it unethical to nominate myself? May I invite anyone interested to have a look at this internet site I have had created to, yes, try and sell some wood. There is just a photo of my farm when I purchased it in a severely cleared and degraded state, now almost 40 years ago, a couple of photos of trees and the forest now and the sawmill which I have purchased to thin out some of the trees and to give me some precious money. TreePlanter (http://www.treeplanter.com.au) Bob

22nd October 2013, 09:02 PM
Hi Bob, great job restoring that land!

30th October 2013, 09:59 AM
Just fantastic! That sort of long term commitment to a project of such a scale is really inspirational. My hat's off to you and I hope to be a client at some point too and help close the loop from idea to realised goal.
