View Full Version : Carba-tec MC1100a lathe

13th November 2013, 08:26 PM
Hi All
Just bought this lathe sems to work well , is there any particular issue or things to lockout for?
And if some body have a copy of the hand book would be very nice

Jim Carroll
13th November 2013, 08:53 PM
They are a reasonable beginners lathe.

They were designed for spindle turning as that is where they have reasonable torque and speed.

In saying that their low speed is too high for some bowl blanks and there is very little torque at this low speed. Can be stalled easily if too heavy a cut is taken

Their high speed is not overly high so you have to comprimise a bit.

Good to learn on then move up to a better lathe if you want to keep going.

When changing speed make sure the lathe is running as this allows the pulleys to move properly and not bind up. When finished turning get in the habit of putting it down to low speed, eliminates any surprises when you go to turn it on.

14th November 2013, 01:01 PM
Hi All
Just bought this lathe sems to work well , is there any particular issue or things to lockout for?
And if some body have a copy of the hand book would be very nice

Hi Tore
This is the guy you picked the lathe up from
As I mentioned it was from our mens shed and I think the original hand book is in the files some where I will check next tuesday and if I can find it I will post it on.
Hope you get a lot of enjoyment from the lathe
PS don't forget the INOX spray on the pulley shafts at least once a week