View Full Version : dishwashing liquid treatment

23rd November 2013, 03:08 PM
I've seen reference to the "dishwashing liquid treatment" in a few threads.

I get the impression its used to preserve wood or prevent cracking during drying.

If I try to google it I get heaps of hits regarding how to wash a verandah deck and wash wooden dishes.

Anybody care to post a link to a site that explains what the dishwashing liquid treatment is please ?

Its mentioned in various threads in the forum.


10th December 2013, 10:08 PM
Think this must be what the things I read are referring to ............ bottom of page

Ron Kent (http://www.ronkent.com/techniques.php)

Couple of threads on the forum mention mixing dishwashing liquid + water 50/50 to treat timber

Took me ages to find that - my google seaches gave heaps of hits on washing verandah decks and putting wooden things in the diswashing machine and how to wash the great wooden bowl that somebody gave you


14th December 2013, 01:43 AM
Howdy steamingbill,

Many thanks for not only sharing this link, but for your apparent endless efforts in tracking it down. I had also heard about this 'technique' some time ago and had wanted to (at that time) look into it more but, time passed and I forgot all about it....so, many thanks to you for RE-minding me about it, and RE-igniting my curiousity trigger. :D

It also RE-minded me of a slight variation on the technique I had thought of back when of combining the dish soap medium with the use of the same vacuum chamber I use to stabilize such woods as buckeye burl.....just a thought at the time, but now because of your bringing that old plan back to the forefront of my mind, I think I will finally give it a try!

My only further curiousity is, how it might work on denser woods further up the Janka......oh well, perhaps I'll also give THAT a go.

Thanks again pard'

Buck. :cool: