View Full Version : Which books to buy

27th December 2013, 12:52 AM
Hi Guys I really would like to buy some books on woodworking. Was wondering which ones are worth investing in first. I'm also wondering if there are any books out there about profile knife grinding. Cheers

27th December 2013, 08:30 AM
Best all round book for people starting out in Woodwork IMHO is "Collins Woodworker's Manual."

After 30 years of woodworking I still make reference to it.

Enjoy the Journey



28th December 2013, 12:59 AM
Thanks Steve.
I'll chase that one down. I found a post in the books section of the forum to answer my first question:doh: sorry still try to learn how to drive the this thing. Was still wondering about the profile grinding though.

28th December 2013, 07:39 PM
G'day I may have a spare coppy you can have I'll check & pending on the Postage or shipping it will be FREE & get back to you ASAP Dan.

30th December 2013, 07:45 PM
G'day I think it is the same book as there are a few coppies. I'll post a few photos before I package it & see if it is the right coppy. If it is the correct one there is one thing that you must do as payment. When you see someone who is starting out & you do not need it DON'T SELL IT GIVE IT TO THAT PERSON. As I have received some of my tools & books. Due to work it may take a while for me to update this ( photos Ect. ). If the book is ok I'll send you a Pm for your postage details.

31st December 2013, 02:53 PM
Good Morning John

Two books that I particularly like are:

Alf Martensson, The Woodworkers Bible. (A&C Black, London, 1980)
Tage Frid, Tage Frid Teaches Woodworking. (Taunton, USA, 1993)

These are now probably out of print but should be available through Abebooks, or similar.

There are also heaps of videos available on the web - mostly free. I like Paul Sellers stuff but there is lots more. Some good, some brilliant, some crap - it is the web.

Finally, your local library is always worth a visit - both book and video sections.

Fair Winds


31st December 2013, 03:17 PM
Thankyou very much Dan. More then happy to pay for postage if needed. Consider your payment a done deal.http://www.woodworkforums.com/images/smilies/smilie%20signs/thanx.gif

Many Thanks John.

12th January 2014, 09:49 PM
I found one of the 2 books today I am in the process of mooving & due to work not much time left over. I hope this is ok & sorry about taking so long Dan.

13th January 2014, 02:08 AM
Hi John ,

A good book

Woodwork IN Theory AND Practice BY John Walton Paperback 1990 090088262X | eBay (http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Woodwork-in-Theory-and-Practice-by-John-Walton-Paperback-1990-/310838818724?hash=item485f6ff7a4)

And read a bit about it here.

The Traditional Tools Group (Inc.) -- Submitted Article (http://www.tttg.org.au/php/tttg_Page.php?n=15&a=56)

Not much in there about profile knife grinding though


13th January 2014, 02:42 AM
And also look out for the Fine woodworking, Taunton Press Huge range of books, very good reading .

Woodworking - Taunton Store (http://www.tauntonstore.com/woodworking.html)

They also turn up on eBay quite a bit.
It was a magazine that started of in the 1970s then at a later stage
"The Best of" range came out, they are my favorites.

Series - Woodworking - Taunton Store (http://www.tauntonstore.com/woodworking/series.html?cat=48)

The magazine is still going.


13th January 2014, 02:24 PM
And also look out for the Fine woodworking, Taunton Press Huge range of books, very good reading .

Good Morning John

I'll endorse Rob's comments. It is worth a visit to your local library to read a couple of issues of their Fine Woodworking magazine - can be a little daunting. Also, do not neglect Australian and British magazines. Sorry, I omitted to mention this in my previous post - but I prefer videos when available as a learning tool.

You can also get the entire 37 years issues of Fine Woodworking magazine on a DVD for around $100, I think.

Fair Winds


14th January 2014, 12:44 AM
G'day as to my other posts I think this is the same book 300689. Please let me know if it is & if it is send me a Pm with your postal details & I'll send it ASAP if I can find my other copy Dan. ( Computers & me can we shoot them. )

14th January 2014, 10:37 PM
This computer is about to fly but least the photo is now there.

18th January 2014, 12:50 PM
G'day as to my other posts I think this is the same book 300689. Please let me know if it is & if it is send me a Pm with your postal details & I'll send it ASAP if I can find my other copy Dan. ( Computers & me can we shoot them. )

G'day all I am wondering if this is the wrong book or if interest has been lost. I'll still keep looking for any replies. Post hear if you are still keen Dan.

19th January 2014, 01:48 PM
G'day all I am wondering if this is the wrong book or if interest has been lost. I'll still keep looking for any replies. Post hear if you are still keen Dan.

If Dan doesnt want it, im interested.

19th January 2014, 07:52 PM
If Dan doesnt want it, im interested.

Um don't you mean John as I am the one offering the coppy. But if I don't here back in the next week or so pending I find my other coppy it may be yours. There is a new woodworker near me that I'll be giving a few things too to help them out. But under my other posts conditions this book is available ONLY.

20th January 2014, 02:09 PM
Um don't you mean John as I am the one offering the coppy. But if I don't here back in the next week or so pending I find my other coppy it may be yours. There is a new woodworker near me that I'll be giving a few things too to help them out. But under my other posts conditions this book is available ONLY.

Thats exactly what I meant, sorry.

24th January 2014, 09:40 PM
Yes thanks dan I would love it. Sorry it took so long to reply have had some computer issues.
Thanks John

24th January 2014, 09:59 PM
PM sent :U

25th January 2014, 08:06 AM
As soon as I can I'll find my other copy & I'll send one of them to you ASAP Dan.

25th January 2014, 08:54 AM
David Charlesworth,s
Books are fantastic excellent reading with lots of great advice
From a very skilled woodworker
There are three in total all are good
With no filler if you know what I mean
Also the explanation on sharping tools is first class
With no reverence to any one tool company.

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