View Full Version : Some pressies for the rellies

30th December 2013, 09:52 PM
This Christmas, my long-suffering family got more wood turnings foisted upon them.

My sister asked for (3 days before Christmas!) a lazy susan for putting a scrabble set on. The only wood I had big enough was some 60 y.o. weathered redgum, so that is what I used. It measures 25 cm across, and stands about 10 cm high.

My grandmother got a small bowl made out of some non-descript eucalypt I found on a kerb somewhere between home and work. It was my first go at an overhanging rim and my first go at using a blowtorch to 'ebonise' the wood. She used to be a good (as in, made a living for several years) potter, so we had a good talk about shape and form in bowl design. It's around 14cm in diameter across the largest part.


My father had no idea what he wanted, so he got a bowl too. This one is from spalted silver birch (again, from the roadside forest), and is around 12 cm across.


My mother asked for a needle case for her embroidery needles. I made it from silky oak (from the same tree I made her birthday yarn bowl from), with a 12mm internal hole. The length is around 10 cm and is sized to her largest embroidery needle.


My wife asked for a handbag (and forbade me to try and make it :o)

31st December 2013, 12:42 PM
Well done Michael. You had the fun making them and expanding your abilities, and the rellies get to enjoy making use of them.
Is the rim on your grandmother's bowl a separate piece glued on after turning?

31st December 2013, 04:03 PM
Thanks Treecycle. No, the rim and bowl are all turned in one piece, I just used a small butane blowtorch to blacken the rim, then sanded and burnished it before finishing.

31st December 2013, 04:38 PM

My wife asked for a handbag (and forbade me to try and make it :o)

It would have been a very good Christmas indeed.

3rd January 2014, 07:05 AM
It surprising how popular Needle cases still are.

And if you go looking, you'll find several examples of wooden handbags that people have turned.

4th January 2014, 10:10 AM
If you go looking, you'll find several examples of wooden handbags that people have turned.

It was me showing her some pictures of turned wooden handbags that made her ban me from making them. :U