View Full Version : For those with spare time in Adelaide

Michael G
31st December 2013, 01:42 PM
Picked up this flier in one of my regular haunts.


31st December 2013, 02:49 PM
Are you going to go to it Michael ?

I'm not sure I could get overly excited at looking at someones favourite spanner.


Michael G
1st January 2014, 12:17 PM
Wasn't planning to. Trying to explain to the better half that I'm going to meet a bunch of guys to talk about old tools could be to difficult for me I suspect. I just posted in case there was someone else out there. The guy I was talking to about this was explaining that the club is concerned that too many kids think "doing things" is done with a computer and so are discussing a road show for kids to see how tools are used (or that there is more to life than wiggling your thumbs so that something happens on a screen). Having just introduced my 18yo to the joys of house painting and how to hold a brush I'm starting to think I know what they mean.


10th January 2014, 04:56 PM
They had a display at the recent 2013 tools show at Wayville...the tools they display are very old school. And its all show and tell. Sorry, but I'm a high tech kinda guy that likes to get dirty.

10th January 2014, 05:30 PM
I am a member of The Traditional Tool Group here in Sydney, I would not think they are associated with each other. The Sydney group that I go to on a not so consistant basis hold meetings and some have been very interesting on the history of tools.