View Full Version : Name this chuck !!!

2nd January 2014, 09:06 PM
Hello Folks,

When I purchased the wood lathe in this thread http://www.woodworkforums.com/f8/identifying-lathe-177954/ it also came with a chuck. Tonight I went out into the shed to look at making a new hand wheel for the lathe and while messing about thought I wonder what make this old chuck is.

I remember reading a thread where Tea Lady talked about the big circlip but dont know what chuck it was about or what the thread was either so any assistance will be greatly appreciated.


2nd January 2014, 09:26 PM
Think I've got the same one.
Its a chineese cheapy ($40) of ebay.

2nd January 2014, 09:45 PM
looks identical to my older teknatool nova scroll chuck without the brand mark.

2nd January 2014, 09:54 PM
Looks like a copy of a Bonham chuck.

3rd January 2014, 07:42 AM
Clean and oil it, scoot the flat part of the back end that goes against the flat of the spindle on a piece of 320 - 400 grit sand paper on a flat surface, mount it and use it.

Liberally oiling the chuck with light oil, automatic transmission fluid, or penetrating oil; then working the chuck back and forth until everything moves freely, then dis assembling and cleaning and light re oiling will make a world of difference.

Oiling the spindle on the lathe and the screw thread on the chuck and screwing on and off 10 times, then carefully cleaning the threads and mating flat surfaces will make the chuck truer than having junk on the threads and mating flats.

If it works for want you want to do, its name doesn't matter. For more jaws, take your chuck to a local seller and see if they can fit what you need.

Jim Carroll
3rd January 2014, 09:10 AM
This is a chinese doorstop or paperweight.

Throw it away before someone gets hurt.

3rd January 2014, 09:39 AM
I would at least be dis-assembling the chuck for cleaning & to have a good look at the scroll and backing slides for any damage and to see just how robust they are. When you inherit a chuck from some one else you never know what abuse it has been subjected too!

I have seen very good quality chucks that have been abused badly with parts of the scroll and backing jaws actually missing, & that was what was causing the chuck to bind.

3rd January 2014, 09:50 AM
Yes its made in China like most of the other stuff we buy today.

But there's nothing wrong with it if its in working order.

I still use mine.

Just because its Chinese does not mean throw it out!!

You would not have much in your house if you threw away everything that is Chinese made.

4th January 2014, 12:00 PM
This is a chinese doorstop or paperweight.

Throw it away before someone gets hurt.

If you are going to throw it away, throw it my way...:U

But before you do that, consider the possibility that it may have been a prototype chuck made my Omega about the same time as your prototype Omega lathe. If so, I expect it is a well made piece of engineering and will be very durable.

Have a look at 's videos on YouTube on how to pull down and reassemble chucks, before you do that.

Woodturning for learners- Chucks 1: An introduction. (http://www.woodworkforums.com/vbtube_show.php?tubeid=86&sti=Woodturning-for-learners-Chucks-1-An-introduction)

And, if it turns out to be a Chinese made chuck keep in mind that it has been made by a 'third-rate' engineering nation; as in the third nation to land and operate a remote craft on the moon... viz the Jade Rabbit (http://www.smh.com.au/technology/sci-tech/chinas-jade-rabbit-rover-sends-photos-from-moon-20131217-2zhtr.html). I'd be happy to have a chuck made by those engineers, but would not expect it to be at an economy price.

4th January 2014, 11:41 PM
This is a chinese doorstop or paperweight.

Throw it away before someone gets hurt.

I sold mine...but had to give away a Woodfast lathe with EVS to make the deal work

16th January 2014, 01:43 AM
The only reason I asked about the chuck was to see if anyone may actually known its heritage for my own knowledge. I've enquired as to whether the chuck may have been an Omega prototype but was told by a reliable source that it isnt. As to whether its of chinese origin I for one certainly dont know. I do know that even in the state its in it works well, does what I want it to do and even accepts my other jaw sets, some of which are Vicmark and some that are copies.

Thanks for all your comments,
