View Full Version : wow now that a warp

7th January 2014, 06:12 PM
So i was going through my rough turned pile to see whats ready to finish turning and came across this

http://i1277.photobucket.com/albums/y485/mat-au/20140107_142239_zpsf62b5447.jpg (http://s1277.photobucket.com/user/mat-au/media/20140107_142239_zpsf62b5447.jpg.html)

http://i1277.photobucket.com/albums/y485/mat-au/20140107_142256_zps9b2aa965.jpg (http://s1277.photobucket.com/user/mat-au/media/20140107_142256_zps9b2aa965.jpg.html)

ive never had wood warp that much and i rough turned that on the 20/12/13

not sure what kinda wood it is but is this normal?? it has a coat of wood sealer on the outside

7th January 2014, 06:55 PM
looks finished to me :D



7th January 2014, 07:12 PM
:whs: :D

7th January 2014, 07:22 PM
Sand it, put a coat of finish on it, name it with either an ancient Greek or Roman interpretation vessel.

Put a price tag of three or fours times the going rate and see who will purchase it. :)

No buyers, double the price and add the words one a kind.


7th January 2014, 07:26 PM
haha i should :D ive got heaps of this wood to might have to finish one and see the end result :D

the funny thing is it didnt crack just warped

7th January 2014, 07:40 PM
It didn't warp, it melted. looks like something by Dali.
ps sorry Christos I'd call it global warming.

Cliff Rogers
7th January 2014, 08:39 PM
I'd give it a sand & then maybe texture it with a blowtorch & a wire brush. :think:

Sand it first, it makes a big difference to the end result.

Skew ChiDAMN!!
8th January 2014, 02:25 PM
I'm guessing it might be "fresh" River Red Gum?

That stuff moves around more than a teen mum in commission housing. :rolleyes: Had goblets bend double and bowls that "zippered" themselves closed. Weird how far it can bend w/out breaking when it wants to...

Nevertheless, I love working the stuff. (Partly for that same reason! :- )

Did you rough out the inside as well? As Cliff said, that'd be an interesting piece if you could finish it... somehow. :wink:

The Bleeder
8th January 2014, 03:28 PM
looks finished to me :D



It's probably on sale at a European gallery ... asking price ...you have to ask.

Timless Timber
8th January 2014, 03:43 PM
I had a sense of humor like that once, warped. :wink:

Reminds me of a gal I once knew - face like a twisted sand shoe. :D

8th January 2014, 09:14 PM
yeah im going to try and finsih it somehow but not sure how as yet but ill keep you posted :D

8th January 2014, 10:20 PM
yeah im going to try and finsih it somehow but not sure how as yet but ill keep you posted :D

Just give it a few coats of shellac then denib with the scotchbrite pads. Should come up a treat.

8th January 2014, 10:28 PM
hahahaha looks like a candle in the oven! amazing it didn't crack!

9th January 2014, 12:28 AM
burp, hic looksh jus fine to me :drunk22:

Big A
9th January 2014, 08:17 AM
That is interesting. Should turn out to be a masterpiece if you persevere.

As a novice turner, the lesson for me in that is that in "rough" turning green wood, it should not be left too rough. If it cannot be turned back into the desired shape, then hand or power sanding the warped object may make it into something.


tea lady
9th January 2014, 09:26 AM
It hasn't really been drying very long if you only turned it on the 20th dec. I'd give it a bit longer. Maybe the wood sealer on the outside has made the drying uneven. Just packing in a box with shavings around to slow the drying might be better. Is it hollowed at all or just the outside shape?

That said I love warped things. :U Might have to get me some of this wood. :cool:

9th January 2014, 12:38 PM
I wouldn't want to encourage you TL but it did put me in mind of a politician making a decision.:D

tea lady
9th January 2014, 01:07 PM
i wouldn't want to encourage you tl but it did put me in mind of a politician making a decision.:d:u

Skew ChiDAMN!!
9th January 2014, 01:10 PM
I wouldn't want to encourage you TL but it did put me in mind of a politician making a decision.:D

No... I don't think that putting a reverse spin on it will make any difference.

Then again... :think: it doesn't really work for pollies either, so you may just be right! :D

16th January 2014, 08:03 PM
The shed's been off limits for the last few days because of the heat. Son rang up today reminding me he'd left some blanks of walnut for turning into bun feet and were they still ok. They were but I wonder how many rough turned blanks have gone their own way over the last week.

artful bodger
16th January 2014, 10:06 PM
I had a sense of humor like that once, warped. :wink:

Reminds me of a gal I once knew - face like a twisted sand shoe. :D

Me too! only mine had teeth like the ten commandments........All broken!
Seriously though, it is quite a feminine shape.

16th January 2014, 11:42 PM
I had a big hunk of oak let out a terrific crack today...18" log 1300mm long, bam, right up the centre.

Perhaps the wood is fig? I had a large fig do this to me, but in the end it twisted itself to pieces.

robo hippy
17th January 2014, 07:01 AM
Well, that is normal warping for Pacific Madrone. It is the same color, but don't imagine there is much of that down there. The way it went side ways indicates that it may be from the buttress part on the bottom of the tree where it flares out for support. I have had several similar pieces that melted sideways like that. I do try to sand and finish them before they dry because I prefer the 3 dimensional texture rather than trying to sand it out. The more warped my pieces are, the better they sell.

robo hippy

17th January 2014, 08:41 AM
Well, that is normal warping for Pacific Madrone. It is the same color, but don't imagine there is much of that down there. The way it went side ways indicates that it may be from the buttress part on the bottom of the tree where it flares out for support. I have had several similar pieces that melted sideways like that. I do try to sand and finish them before they dry because I prefer the 3 dimensional texture rather than trying to sand it out. The more warped my pieces are, the better they sell.

robo hippy

I saw a dude who one took these gnarled horrors and sand blasted them. It abraded out all the softer wood leaving thousands of raised ridges. Looked very cool.

17th January 2014, 11:00 AM
mat au,

I like the shape and the figure of the timber. you could leave it as is, or put it between centers and run at slow speed to sand and finish. If you have hollowed it, make a cone drive or tail center, which ever works better.

The inside can be sanded by chucking a dowel in the lathe and taping sandpaper to it so that it wraps around several times. Run at slow speed and ease the piece on and rotate against the revolving sand paper. You could also chuck the dowel in a variable speed drill if your lathe does not come down to a comfortable speed.

In either case I would sand the bottom flat or a bit concave so it would sit without wobbling. Use a belt sander or stick a piece of sand paper down on something flat and rub the bottom of the piece over it, round & round, back & forth, while rotating the piece every few strokes.

To get a concave bottom I put several layers of 150mm long 50mm wide masking tape on a flat surface, crossing over at 90 degrees and 45 degrees so that I get a slight hump. I center a big piece of sand paper over the hump and tape down around the outside. I rub the middle of the bottom of a piece around and around on the top of the hump.

The flat surface can be the top of a table saw, piece of plywood or medium density fiberboard, or a piece of granite kitchen counter that was cut out for the sink. I found it in a skip, at a construction site.

I'm looking forward to seeing how you finish the piece.