View Full Version : Gotta love the west

6th June 2005, 06:52 PM
I was driving around some building sites yesterday and saw a pile of these sitting on the scrap heap. One of the roofers on site said I was welcome to anything on the scrap heap so I took a few. They were bits of packing that the roof tiles came with. I pulled out the staples and put them through the el-cheapo GMC thicknesser and you get the picture. I am thinking coffee table but I havent really made up my mind yet. I might have to go back and get some more.

E. maculata
6th June 2005, 07:07 PM
Great to see someone else has the same thicknesser stand as I ;), BTW good one on the timber, what species' are they.

6th June 2005, 09:26 PM
Great to see someone else has the same thicknesser stand as I ;), BTW good one on the timber, what species' are they.
The stand will do until I get some money to buy a Mitre Saw stand, then I will mount the thicknesser on it sideways so I can use the rollers to support long wood if ever I get some. No idea what the woods are, I was hoping that Jarrah is so popular over here that might be it but there are 5 boards that are extremely dense (heavy). Would be happy to hear from anyone that might be able to shed some light on what woods I do have here:confused:

journeyman Mick
6th June 2005, 10:09 PM
you've got a lot to learn! ;) Lesson 1: when there's timber for the taking you don't stop until the car/ute/trailer is full (in which case you take it all home and come back for more :) ) or until you've taken it all. :D

Seriously though, nice find :cool: . If you find out where the tiles come from it may help identify the timber, ie foreign or domestic, local or interstate.

Mick (who can still find some room to stash more timber)

6th June 2005, 11:34 PM
Lesson 2
Always carry plenty of rope or tie downs.
I resolved never to let a good thing pass for lack of something to tie it on with.

David L
7th June 2005, 11:14 AM
Buy a mitre saw stand??? Man you have the material to make one.
