View Full Version : Clear Vue Sparky Recommendations

8th January 2014, 10:42 PM
Can anyone recommend a good sparky that can handle a Clear Vue install?



John Samuel
9th January 2014, 11:03 AM
Can anyone recommend a good sparky that can handle a Clear Vue install?


My sparky screwed up the installation ... and I am not alone. Seems that there are sparkies out there who do not understand the difference between star and delta.

If you are using a VFD, I could send you photos of my wiring. You could wire it up and then all you need is a sparky to drop in and check that all is according to Hoyle before start-up. It is not at all difficult and this approach keeps the costs down.



Chris Parks
9th January 2014, 12:22 PM
John is right, al lot of sparkys presume a lot of things. From memory the installation instructions clearly state that the MOTOR connections are to be made to suit the power supply at the terminel box on the motor. It won't stuff the motor but the VFD gets an error and will eventually commit hari kari if it operates at the wrong voltage settings. Also it is very important to get the direction of rotation correct or the VFD may get an overload error, it will suck but it won't be at the optimum level. The impeller has a full weld on one face and spot welds on the other and it must turn towards the fully welded face. There is a small risk of weld failure if it turns the other way so it is best to get it right. If it turns the wrong way then change the connections at the VFD, far easier than trying to do it at the motor. Domestic sparkys on the whole have not encountered VFD's, industrial guys usually have and it is best to try and find someone who has been there and done that if possible. Stephen may know of someone in Brissy and be able to help you there.

9th January 2014, 09:56 PM
Thanks Guys,

I can get hold of some industrial guys, but figured I'd ask here to see if there were any good recommendations..

Cheers for the help!

John Samuel
13th January 2014, 09:42 AM

Here is my system. First the VFD. Pic is not clear so it has been labelled.


And here is the motor (oriented as installed).
My sparky, who had long industrial experience, left the bars in the wiring box for the motor set vertically (as for 415 V). He also left the motor running in reverse after I had gone to some pains to explain what was necessary.

Have fun!

13th January 2014, 10:28 PM

what RF unit did u use?
mines about to get wired up once the hot spell ends


John Samuel
14th January 2014, 09:02 AM
There are a number of ways of hooking up a remote. BobL posted a low voltage version here (http://www.woodworkforums.com/f200/rf-remote-switch-168788/). I did not have a transformer lying around and went for the 240 V version N C Archer sent me. Here is the detail on the wiring of my RF remote. This pic shows the RF remote (sourced on web from Hong Kong ... comes with three GPOs - shop vac is on one of these GPOs) hanging on its lanyard. Went to Hong Kong to get the smaller remote. Controllers found at Jaycar and Bunnings etc were too large.

The next pic is an overview.

Then a wiring diagram.


Now a pic of the 240 V relay (from Jaycar). No power flows to the output terminals. The power operates the switch which opens or closes the circuit. Open= motor starts. Closed=motor stops.


Finally, a pic of the VFD wiring.


Hope this helps. It works. I can turn the cyclone motor on or off from 30 M away in my lounge room.

Chris Parks
15th January 2014, 11:34 PM

what RF unit did u use?
mines about to get wired up once the hot spell ends


Me? I have never used a remote. What I did was use two control boards put near the main machines via ethernet cables and a splitter. We experimented with the idea on a few machines but it was a 50/50 chance of whether it worked or not. Mine did along with two others but several did not and I could not market the idea due to its iffy nature. The manufacturers were not impressed with it either and did not support it. I could not blame them as they never intended the idea which was entirely mine to be used.