View Full Version : Looking for a portable sawmiller in Melbourne

21st January 2014, 08:59 AM
I would have thought this asked many times but the search was unrewarding.

I have a couple of mid sized Eucalypts down on my property in North Warrandyte that I would like to mill for timber. One is a grey box (I think) that has been down for a few years and the other I am not sure of the species and has been down for a few months. With the newer tree I painted the ends.

Anyway, anyone want to come mill this for me and can give me an idea of cost?

Thanks very much for any ideas.


24th January 2014, 08:36 AM
Richard, hit up Lucas HQ, they will supply you with fella's in your area who have the gear to do the job.

1300 LUCAS1

good luck