View Full Version : Alumimium body Bolt action

8th February 2014, 05:54 PM
I had a little time to play after packing the car for tomorrows market :) I found a bit of aluminium tube (from an old wind chime) the dimensions matched the bolt actions perfectly ,so no turning but a lot of sanding and polishing to get as close to a mirror shine as possible, then something I have wanted to try for a while ,a CA finish on metal ,with the normal procedures, The gunmetal and silver won't be every-ones cup of tea,but I don't expect this one to last too long at all to find a new owner :)
The photo looks bluish ,but it is a nice high gloss silver color ( I normally clear powder-coat metal ) Cheers ~ John

8th February 2014, 06:02 PM
Great idea John, not keen on the colour match but as you say someone will snap it up.

8th February 2014, 07:16 PM
I assume that because you did not detail any problems, the CA finish went okay.
You will have to let us know what the interest was in it (or if it sold), when you get back from the market.
Good thinking outside the square.

8th February 2014, 08:48 PM
Good one John!! I like the contrasting colours. It will stand out in your display!!:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

Perfect Pens
8th February 2014, 09:56 PM
Hey John,

Interesting :2tsup: just a thought, maybe if you let the ally oxidise you may get a nice effect :wink: might be worth a try and then it could be clear coated with CA :D
Still waiting to see some of that nice timber we cut up the other day :wink: should look nice !! and good luck at the markets.


9th February 2014, 06:00 PM
Hey John, you just started a crime wave!:oo: someone stole my neighbours wind chimes:rolleyes::?, by the way--how do you cut them to length:D;
Well done as usual, and because we don't like the colour match-- will mean they sell like hot cakes!!! Amos:):2tsup:

9th February 2014, 06:16 PM
Amos ! it's a very simple job with a parting tool in my metal lathe :) But as these are fairly thick my normal tube cutter would struggle, another tried and true method is to spin the material in a chuck on the lathe ,and while spinning use a hacksaw as this will give a reasonably straight cut as well :). It didn't sell today at markets,but enough interest to encourage me :) Sold a few with deer antler and buffalo horn though ,so not all bad hehe. Gold coast next week should be good chance though !! Cheers ~ John

10th February 2014, 10:25 AM
That's a novel idea and a good use of your door bell :U Think I prefer timber but someone will like it. :2tsup: