View Full Version : Ever had one of those days

23rd February 2014, 06:41 PM
What a day!!!! I decided to turn a piece of Pink Ivory into a Sierra. I glued it up yesterday with Sika Poly (my favourite). Thought I would be smart and put it on the metal lathe first. I told myself last time I used it to sharpen the blade - forgot - Chunk flies out. Bugger:doh: So off to the wood lathe to try and correct the problem. Again I told myself last time I used the Woodchuck Pro to change the blade as it was getting a bit blunt - forgot - Chunk flies out from a different position. :no: Off to the sandpaper option to try and rectify the problem - sanded too much at one end :club:

Damn I was not going to give up on this blank - so off to the good old CA - first pass got the paper towel stuck to my finger and watched it dry as I let out a yelp - forgot to wear gloves :C Gloves on and CA in abundance. I finally managed to fill the holes without it showing (well, not too much).

At that stage I gave it away and cleaned out the shed. That took me two hours and a wheelie bin full of rubbish. It was overdue and I could hardly put anything on one of the work benchs as they were cluttered with crap. At least that was successful.

Some days it's far better to just sit down and watch a movie rather than trying to be creative. Wanted to put another icon on here but I can't open the "More" - its just one of those days.

23rd February 2014, 06:46 PM
When I finished typing this thread I went to post it and found somehow I have managed it without realising - probably why the More icons wouldn't work. It asked me to reply to my own thread. THAT'S IT - I'm off to bed :banghead:

23rd February 2014, 06:50 PM
I think you first mistake was getting out of bed!

I've had plenty of those days, usually when working on my Mustang...and usually they are expensive to fix.

Just think tomorrow is Monday so it is likely to get worse before it gets better.



23rd February 2014, 08:24 PM
Poor Greg!:oo::oo::oo:, I tried making a tiny finial, the sander threw it across the room, behind the Band Saw, which is against a wall, removed a whole stack of blades and wood blanks and boxes, finally found it, but where did I put the Verniers?!! walk around the benches looking, then--- shut the shed door and went inside!:):)
Smile, and have a rest. Amos

23rd February 2014, 08:52 PM
Thanks for the sympathy Amos. Maybe you should use a dremel for sanding something so small :U

I dont feel so bad now that a few of us have had bad days. Shed is locked up. I was just about to go down to it to get a spray can out for a Transfer page but decided to leave it locked and stay away from it. :gaah:

Will watch TV instead - some Victorian Gangster show on tonight, might be interesting but then again most Victorians are gangsters :roll:

23rd February 2014, 09:47 PM
So, now you’ve left the service, it’s acceptable to watch cop and robbers ?

23rd February 2014, 09:53 PM
Gangsters/Mexicans them banana benders are good at laying on the names hey:D

well my day was crap also, i had to remake 1 pen dismantle a standard Siera and make it into a Stylus Siera, this went fine

next, make 2 circuit board Stylus Siera, the first turned no worries, polished a treat, CRACKED like a biscuit when press fitting.....%#*&

the second turned no worries polished a treat and pressed together without a worry in the world

back to the first, no more green, well maybe Blue will suffice, squared up the ends of the blank, whacked it on the mandrel, turned on the lathe and let the SMOKE OUT!!!!....*^#%

time to buy a new lathe

not a great day at all, SWMBO was not impressed either

hey at least my swap pens had already been completed, don't they say "Always look on the bright side of life"

Here's hoping someone had a good day


23rd February 2014, 10:03 PM
..... THAT'S IT - I'm off to bed :banghead:

Good night, don't let the bed bugs bite. :D

23rd February 2014, 10:17 PM
This gangster show is just underbelly revisited. The outcome will be no surprise - the whole lot apart from Tony have been murdered and he is in prison until he needs a mobility scooter :damn:

24th February 2014, 07:45 PM
I don't miss the job Doug. I rarely watch cop shows on TV as I prefer something more subtle and more cultural now (and its not the ABC news or the 7-30 report). I was getting a headache watching the program so I taped the rest and watched it this afternoon. My God, there are another 8 episodes made up of 1 hour of the show and 1 hour of commercials. For Channel 9 its a bit like the Moretein Advert - When you're on a good thing - stick to it.