View Full Version : At Last

28th February 2014, 03:58 AM
At last I was able to have a proper go at the crown hollowing system that I brought.
This was using the cutters and scraper rather than the ring tool.

Wood is unknown except the ring at the opening which is cherry.

This measures 5" X 2 1/2". I managed to get a small catch while I was cleaning the inside and damaged the lip so a quick fix with the cherry,the cherry not being enough of a contrast I used some stain to darken it.


28th February 2014, 07:53 AM
Derek thats a good blend of timbers very impressed :2tsup:

28th February 2014, 02:47 PM
I was going to say that the cherry was a little darker than what I have seen and I think used until I read that you stained it.

What was the stain that you used?

28th February 2014, 06:35 PM
Sweet bitta work there!!!:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

Rod Gilbert
28th February 2014, 09:31 PM
Hi Dalboy,
Well done :2tsup:
I read your thread where you had just received the tool now having used it(to great effect) how do you feel about it, do it live up to you're expectations would you recommend it to others. I am looking for something for myself for hollow form's. I sent an email to Crown tools about local dealers and they sent me their catalog of tools and some information about the hollowing system.
Regards Rod.

1st March 2014, 02:15 AM
Thank you all for the comments

I was going to say that the cherry was a little darker than what I have seen and I think used until I read that you stained it.

What was the stain that you used?

I used spirit stain, purple believe it or not this is the second time I have used spirit stain on cherry the first time I used blue and it ended up green and this one started off purple when applying it and ended up the colour you see.

Hi Dalboy,
Well done :2tsup:
I read your thread where you had just received the tool now having used it(to great effect) how do you feel about it, do it live up to you're expectations would you recommend it to others. I am looking for something for myself for hollow form's. I sent an email to Crown tools about local dealers and they sent me their catalog of tools and some information about the hollowing system.
Regards Rod.

I have now tried it on end grain and now cross grain turning and found that it does the job great the only thing that I needed to do was to give the 4 flat cutters/scrapers a rub over the top surface with a diamond sharpener and just a quick run round the edges as they needed it(as you can see with the 4 on the right).

The picture does not show all the parts you will need to look at your info from crown or if you want I can photograph the kit as I got it.


I am getting a little judder but that could be down to me until I have used it for a while and got the true feel of it I can only say what my initial findings are.

The end grain one I first tried it on with the ring tool I found that it took wood off at an alarming rate but if you rotate the tool towards the 45deg that could be slowed down. Mark Sanger explains this a lot better in his video's of the tool.

See http://youtu.be/Hfi3wdYaBRA and part 2 http://youtu.be/mqK9TsPMuCA

Hope some of this is useful

3rd March 2014, 06:47 AM

the light wood is Sycamore (or one of the Acia family).

I've seen Mark Sanger use this tool on more than one occasion, but he's a hollower by profession and demonstrates it for Crown.

So it's always good to see another report on it's capabilities.

3rd March 2014, 07:20 AM
Thank you dr4g0nfly on the various forums that I use most have also said it is Sycamore which upon looking looks about right, I am slowly learning some of the woods as I find them.

I brought this off of Mark and spent an enjoyable hour on the phone to him talking about different hollowing systems along with woodturning in general.

I agree with what you say about when you talk to suppliers in general so it is great to talk to people that have used an item. Fortunately I had the opportunity to talk to and use someone crown tool before I spoke to Mark