View Full Version : A Gaggle of Bowls

Willy Nelson
2nd March 2014, 12:47 PM
Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen

Two weeks ago, I had my shoulder operated on (bones spurs, ligaments, muscles etc) after too much volleyball (Current Australian Grand Master Champion-Indoor Beach Volleyball) and possibily toooo much wood turning.

Anyhoo, as a consequence of no turning for a while (allegedly 3 months of no volleyball, but I should be right to turn pens in the next few weeks), I made sure I built up stocks beforehand and that I could continue to oil them one handed whilst on sick leave. Thought I would put some photos up. Quite a few different species and all will be finished with 10 coats of Danish oil. In the back ground, you may be able to see some very large platters still to be oiled.

I am so bored, nothing on TV that interests me, Thank god the Rugby league starts soon


2nd March 2014, 01:19 PM
Good looking stack of bowls there willy :2tsup:

Hope your recovery goes better than mine.... had my shoulder done two years ago, they told me 3 months and id be back at work
Now they say ill never return to construction, and Ive only got 120 degree range of motion!!

Bruce White
2nd March 2014, 04:58 PM
Clear to me that your darling Wife likes the smell of Danish oil Willy. I am only allowed to bring my creations into the house if they are treated with my home made wax and scented oil mix (oil chosen by my Wife as I need to make a new batch and according to her mood on the day).

Hope the shoulder comes good quickly - don't bugger up the surgery by going too hard too soon. The burls will just dry quietly waiting for you.

2nd March 2014, 05:14 PM
I'm sure the cause wasn't the turning Willie. Nice collective noun, nice bowls and hopefully nice smells.

2nd March 2014, 06:33 PM
Hope your shoulder gets better sooner than later.

Willy Nelson
2nd March 2014, 07:02 PM
Clear to me that your darling Wife likes the smell of Danish oil Willy. I am only allowed to bring my creations into the house if they are treated with my home made wax and scented oil mix (oil chosen by my Wife as I need to make a new batch and according to her mood on the day).


As the weather is hot here in WA, and I oil in the upstairs part of the house, with the A/C on, I can hardly smell the DO

Thanks also for everyones kind wishes. The shoulder is healing really fast. I am meant to be off volleyball for three months, but I may be able to start sooner..........hopefully


Chief Tiff
2nd March 2014, 08:27 PM
Can you still dive with the dodgy shoulder? I saw a couple of pics of Windy with a nice pair of crays and for a brief moment in time wished I was back in WA.... then I remembered; too much wind, too much sand and way too many Poms! But I do miss the weekly dives.

With you off the lathe does that mean Rebecca gets more time on the tools to hone her skills? I reckon she should start going all out now and let you "assist" with the oiling...!

Get well soon; and my heartfelt commiserations to Marie for having to put up with you moping around the house while you recover.

2nd March 2014, 09:49 PM
Quite a display Willy!! Well done!!:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

Hope the shoulder heals well.

As for too much turning... wash your mouth out!!!:D

Willy Nelson
2nd March 2014, 10:04 PM
Can you still dive with the dodgy shoulder? I saw a couple of pics of Windy with a nice pair of crays and for a brief moment in time wished I was back in WA.... then I remembered; too much wind, too much sand and way too many Poms! But I do miss the weekly dives.

With you off the lathe does that mean Rebecca gets more time on the tools to hone her skills? I reckon she should start going all out now and let you "assist" with the oiling...!

Get well soon; and my heartfelt commiserations to Marie for having to put up with you moping around the house while you recover.

Was diving heaps before the shoulder op. Went out with Windy and my son, caught a few. Bagged out every dive beforehand

Beck hasn't turned for awhile now, too much Gymnastics
Good to hear from you

brendan stemp
2nd March 2014, 11:47 PM
That sure was good planning; ie to have all the bowls ready for oiling while recuperating. And they're lookin good too.

However, since when has the collective term for a group of bowls been a gaggle? Surely we can come up with something better.

Mmmmm... now let me think. Nup, got nothin but there are brighter minds out there that could have a crack. Oooo... perhaps that's it; a Crack of Bowls.

And while I'm berating you, perhaps you might like to heed the advice from your doc and lay low for the suggested time. You can only make it worse if you get back to it too soon, Volleyball wise, not woodturning. :wink:

3rd March 2014, 06:54 AM

slow down, you'll use up all the timber, what do you think, it grows on trees or something!

Damn fine looking collection of your work.

Willy Nelson
3rd March 2014, 09:49 AM
That sure was good planning; ie to have all the bowls ready for oiling while recuperating. And they're lookin good too.

However, since when has the collective term for a group of bowls been a gaggle? Surely we can come up with something better.

Mmmmm... now let me think. Nup, got nothin but there are brighter minds out there that could have a crack. Oooo... perhaps that's it; a Crack of Bowls.

And while I'm berating you, perhaps you might like to heed the advice from your doc and lay low for the suggested time. You can only make it worse if you get back to it too soon, Volleyball wise, not woodturning. :wink:

Ahhhh Thank you Dr Stemp, I assume you Bulk Bill? :roll: I am taking it easy. :)

I did think of the collective noun for a group of bowls and come up with
1. A bunch of bowls
2. A catchment of bowls
3. A plethora of Platters
4. An inclusion of bowls
5. or lastly, and pathetically, a lot of bowls

Chief Tiff
3rd March 2014, 09:57 AM
I did think of the collective noun for a group of bowls and come up with
1. A bunch of bowls
2. A catchment of bowls
3. A plethora of Platters
4. An inclusion of bowls
5. or lastly, and pathetically, a lot of bowls

I regularly have an ARGH!!! Fornicate-it! of firewood....:D

5th March 2014, 04:42 AM
That is on nice collection of bowls, at least you could do something on them while you are recovering. Take care and don't over do it so you can get back to turning again soon

If you get bored then maybe all the turners could send you their bowls for finishing:hahaha::hahaha::hahaha:

5th March 2014, 08:00 AM
Ahhhh Thank you Dr Stemp, I assume you Bulk Bill? :roll: I am taking it easy. :)

I did think of the collective noun for a group of bowls and come up with
1. A bunch of bowls
2. A catchment of bowls
3. A plethora of Platters
4. An inclusion of bowls
5. or lastly, and pathetically, a lot of bowls

Definitely not a "murder of bowls" so at least you have something to CROW about!!!!

Willy Nelson
5th March 2014, 11:07 AM
That is on nice collection of bowls, at least you could do something on them while you are recovering. Take care and don't over do it so you can get back to turning again soon

If you get bored then maybe all the turners could send you their bowls for finishing:hahaha::hahaha::hahaha:

Great Idea! Then I get to keep them, right?