View Full Version : Its only racks ...

18th March 2014, 10:20 AM
Well I have not been sharing much and hardly seems to be worth it but something is better than nothing.

My wife does 'reborn dolls' which are life size realistic dolls. She hand paints them and needs racks for the limbs and head while drying.

First round was with stepped pegs


but duplicating you only need to have a small slip and i thought it would show too much (not that it really matters), so, I decided to go with a taper


All out of recycled timber.

And ... for those who have never seen a 'reborn doll' here is a sample of her work.


each strand of hair is put in individually.

Dave the turning cowboy

turning wood into art

18th March 2014, 01:13 PM
The dolls look amazing.:1st:

18th March 2014, 01:35 PM
Fantastic, still trying to get my head around the patience to put each individual hair in, she certainly has talent

Sir Stinkalot
18th March 2014, 01:35 PM
Wow .... the painting on that doll is amazing ..... are you sure it is a doll?

It would be interesting if you (or your wife) could post some more information on the work involved.

Ohhh and nice racks!

18th March 2014, 01:49 PM
Nice turning on the racks Dave.

18th March 2014, 02:55 PM
+ 1 :wts:

18th March 2014, 03:37 PM
The dolls are vinyl so softish to touch ... they have give unlike porcelain dolls.

They have several layers of paint and is baked every layer in the oven to set the paint. They used to take her 2 - 3 weeks each but she has it down to a week now

I will take a few pics of the process and post later

Dave the turning cowboy

turning wood into art

18th March 2014, 03:57 PM
I too have been taken by the doll. So I will not comment on the turning. :shiny:

Nar I will.

Great job to provide something for you wife to help her in her hobby/art. :2tsup:

18th March 2014, 05:52 PM
here is a baby in pieces ... for the astute you will see my rack in use ;) It is air drying before it goes in the oven

this is a sleeping ethnic thus no need to stick eyes in. It is a different technique in that is is darker. Raechell has done all the skin tone and viening. If you look close enough you would be able to see viens. Not sure if it shows up in the pic or not. She is yet to do a manicure on hands and feet


This is one a few layers behind. It has a final flesh tone, then veining, blush and manicure to go



Dave the turning cowboy

turning wood into art

18th March 2014, 07:39 PM
Hi dave,
Wow, that doll is really life like:o...................

Oh yeah, the turning is good too:U
Cheers smiife:2tsup:

Uncle Al
18th March 2014, 08:34 PM
Ah, so that is how babies are made. They come in kit form, and you put them together:D.
I better leave it at that, might get into trouble if I go too far! (A couple of weeks Vs 9 months etc.)
As for the turning, it is surprising how many items can be made for the craft loving ladies, such as hat stands to display beanies, thread holders for the myriad of coloured cottons that get used, storage boxes for threads, artists easles, scraping tools for potters, large knitting needles, turned boxes to have pin cushion tops fitted, display stands and the list goes on.
It never ceases to amaze me how much patience some ladies have, especially with embroidery and cross stitch items, and now for decorating incredibly life like dolls.
Thanks for the interesting post, and good luck with the turning.
P.S - Does your wife make the dolls from moulds, or are the "blanks" purchased and then decorated?


18th March 2014, 08:50 PM
Your assistance to your wife is a credit to you. :2tsup:
Like the stands you have produced for her.
As for the dolls.
Well words can not describe the lifelike looks even when in pieces.
Congrats to you both in you hobbies.
But I have to ask. How much are the dolls. (probably more than a pen I suppose)


18th March 2014, 08:58 PM
Your assistance to your wife is a credit to you. :2tsup:
Like the stands you have produced for her.
As for the dolls.
Well words can not describe the lifelike looks even when in pieces.
Congrats to you both in you hobbies.
But I have to ask. How much are the dolls. (probably more than a pen I suppose)


Hi Cookie,

I'd love to get for a pen what she gets for a doll.

they generally go between $600 - $1200.

I may be a little biased but I believe hers to be in the better quality available in Australia. I have seen some selling for $600 and they just look like vinyl, not life like at all

Dave the turning cowboy

turning wood into art

18th March 2014, 09:02 PM
Ah, so that is how babies are made. They come in kit form, and you put them together:D.
I better leave it at that, might get into trouble if I go too far! (A couple of weeks Vs 9 months etc.)
As for the turning, it is surprising how many items can be made for the craft loving ladies, such as hat stands to display beanies, thread holders for the myriad of coloured cottons that get used, storage boxes for threads, artists easles, scraping tools for potters, large knitting needles, turned boxes to have pin cushion tops fitted, display stands and the list goes on.
It never ceases to amaze me how much patience some ladies have, especially with embroidery and cross stitch items, and now for decorating incredibly life like dolls.
Thanks for the interesting post, and good luck with the turning.
P.S - Does your wife make the dolls from moulds, or are the "blanks" purchased and then decorated?


Yes they come in kit form Uncle Al.

These are one of the only babies you can put in the oven without the police knocking on your door.

There was a case in Qsld where someone left one in their car and the windows were smashed in because someone else was trying to save the 'baby' that had been locked in the car.

Dave the turning cowboy

turning wood into art