View Full Version : Newcomer from Tokyo Japan / My introduction on YouTube

28th March 2014, 11:41 AM
I am from Tokyo Japan. thanking you in advance.

I started the creating after retirement three years ago.
I have been disclosed my work on the youtube .


The motif of this channel is a wood carving doll of child who is playing.
And I have dreamed of creating a world that is heartwarming, fantastic and healing.

Seniors, please tell me various things.


28th March 2014, 05:36 PM
Welcome, Myoshiiky.
Excellent! How are the tricycle rider and the unicyclist controlled? Is there a magnet under the board?

28th March 2014, 06:09 PM
Hi, AlexS

Thank you for the welcome.
I'm glad you so enjoyed.

Physical principle of two works is similar.
Magnet is moved under the board as you guess.
When wheel, round magnet is attracted and moved with magnet that is under the board, it rotates.
This is the basic principle of these works.

see you,

Rod Gilbert
31st March 2014, 08:05 PM
Hi Myoshiiky,
I would also like to welcome you to this forum. You're work is wonderful and the attention to detail is very impressive looking forward to future posts from you.
Regards Rod.:):):)

31st March 2014, 10:40 PM
Hi, Rod

Thank you for the welcome.
I am glad you enjoyed my works.

Now, I am in the creative work of the next.
It is such as wooden clock-like. Please Expect it.


31st March 2014, 11:05 PM
Great to have you aboard.

3rd April 2014, 02:09 PM
Hi, tdrumnut

I thank for your welcome.
