View Full Version : Inspiration From Member - Clock

15th April 2014, 11:55 PM
I think that this is another fantastic example that has given me inspiration to make something similar. http://www.woodworkforums.com/showthread.php?t=178814&highlight=clocks

I wish to thank Bassmansimon for his thread as I really liked the way that had come together and it provoked me to try making this.


Of course there were some words of warning to not make the plugs too thin and I took note. What I stuffed up was the place the clock mechanism sits in the back, I made it concave :doh: and the face of the clock was way too big to chuck up on my cole jaws. I asked a few of the turners at my club for help and ended up power sanding it flat. :roll:

Please voice your opinions weather good or bad. It is the only way that I can modify.

16th April 2014, 05:55 AM
Nice looking clock. How big is it and what woods have you used.

Only a suggestion with the 12 -3 - 6 and 9 markers why not try drilling them at an angle in towards the centre then insert the dowels so they then show as elongated markers

16th April 2014, 08:41 AM
I agree with the above re main numbers.

I think the photo is upside down its showing 1/2 - 6:U

16th April 2014, 08:51 AM
I agree with the above re main numbers.

I think the photo is upside down its showing 1/2 - 6:U

No way it is on it's side and it is only 1/4 past 3:hahaha::hahaha::hahaha:

16th April 2014, 09:45 AM
.....How big is it and what woods have you used.....

The clock is 274mm and the wood that I used was NZ Kauai pine and the plugs are Teak.

I have done clocks before and used numbers, this time I wanted to use plugs for the numbers and so I went a little bit larger size. I am in the process of making / finishing off another one that required me to make a jam chuck. Hoping to finish that one next week.

16th April 2014, 09:52 AM
The clock is 274mm and the wood that I used was NZ Kauai pine and the plugs are Teak.

I have done clocks before and used numbers, this time I wanted to use plugs for the numbers and so I went a little bit larger size. I am in the process of making / finishing off another one that required me to make a jam chuck. Hoping to finish that one next week.

Sticky situation that one Christos and you'll be doing a WiP on it won't you

It could also be 9.45 trouble is is it am or pm obviously its not a 24hr as it only has 12