View Full Version : Goodbye

16th April 2014, 01:56 PM
I'll not be logging in here any longer. Admittedly I havent exactly been active in this forum due to commitments on another forum and also goings on on the home front. I am also leaving because I care not to participate in this subforum while there is a certain individual also participating. This individual joined the forum purely to further his business intersets, has never built a guitar and thinks its ok to send me abusive PMs because hes still smarting over getting booted off another forum for breaching that forum's terms of use.

The rest of you guys are a great bunch and exhibit the true spirit of luthiery.

All the best to you and if you want to get in contact with me you know where I usually lurk.

Cheers and godbye


16th April 2014, 02:20 PM
Very sad to hear that Martin. You've been a great help to everyone over the years. Why don't you inform the admins and they can get rid of the germ. We'd much prefer to have you around here

16th April 2014, 07:40 PM

Hanging on a specialist forum is cool but your work deserves a wider audience.

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18th April 2014, 08:09 PM
No good getting hassled by anyone at anytime Martin but we know where to find ya :oo:


19th April 2014, 01:38 AM
Every forum seems to have one or two that have nothing constructive to contribute, but love to try to stir the pot. There is no way I would let one of them push me away. I have found that it they are ignored, they eventually go away. Better they go than you. You make important contributions to the forum. I hope you reconsider.

19th April 2014, 02:05 AM
Trolls all through history are killed eventually.

Beowulf is a perfect example. It took a long time to drive out the evil in good men's hearts.

Stick back and watch for a bit. The bad guys get the sword. I keep mine sharpened.

If the owners of this board had a spine they would take grievances seriously.


19th April 2014, 06:48 AM
More spine in the admins here than you know about so....

Just exactly what grievance are you referring to here?
Probably the one that was quietly taken care of over 2 weeks ago with the permanent banning of the troll referred to.

If there is another grievance that the spineless forum owners don't know about make it known and stop posting such garbage as:

If the owners of this board had a spine they would take grievances seriously.

We can only fix or at least try to fix, what is brought to our attention. So put up or shut up.

Neil :~

20th April 2014, 07:58 PM
Thanks Neil for taking care of the problem. I wasn't aware that the individual had been banned. My post was not intended as a dig of any sort at the forum administration and if it came across as such Im sorry.

I'll continue to log in from time to time but at the moment my work commitments and goings on at home (about to start a new house build) will prevent me from participating actively in the forum.

Cheers Martin

PS Neil I tried to PM you but sat comm system here at work seems to screw up messaging for some reason.

21st April 2014, 01:38 AM
Neil, you are right. I over stepped. Now I know what it's about I can see why you reacted as you did.

I've noticed a fair bit of agro and flaming recently. Everyone seemed really snappy and some people, myself included, were inappropriate.

Sorry about my stupid remark.

21st April 2014, 06:55 PM
Everyone seemed really snappy
It is called "The full moon syndrome" :;

27th April 2014, 07:40 AM
Thanks Neil for taking care of the problem. I wasn't aware that the individual had been banned. My post was not intended as a dig of any sort at the forum administration and if it came across as such Im sorry.

I'll continue to log in from time to time but at the moment my work commitments and goings on at home (about to start a new house build) will prevent me from participating actively in the forum.

Cheers Martin

PS Neil I tried to PM you but sat comm system here at work seems to screw up messaging for some reason.

I for one Martin have got a lot of help over the years from you and have always read your posts with with a great deal of interest.

Good luck with all your other goings on - but I am glad that the problem has been solved by Neil .I was the one that initially suggested this forum - and I know over the years it has changed a little - but I always stop by for a read

29th April 2014, 09:48 AM
Hear, hear!

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7th May 2014, 10:00 AM
I haven't been to this forum for maybe a year or more, but it appears I missed out on some excitement.

8th May 2014, 07:26 PM
Do we think that the troll will BOB up again under a another handle? You know.......BOB up, BOB down.........

Anyway, good on you Martin. The angst is just not worth it!