View Full Version : Wedding bowl

18th April 2014, 10:08 AM
Hi all,
I haven't had much time this year to do any turning, with most of my shed time spent making a workbench. But my mother "commissioned" me to make a bowl for a friend of the family's wedding, so I took a pause and made one.

Her brief was "something small, a bit like the one you made for your grandmother":
which looked like this and was 12cm across the top.

Being the dutiful son that I am, I interpreted her instructions and came up with this in Silky Oak:


It is a trifle over 28cm in diameter, which is around the maximum finished size I can do on my lathe, Finished with 2 coats of shellawax glow. Incidentally, the undercut rim was my first use of the proforme flexi, and it worked really well and had a minimal learning curve to get working accurately and consistently.

310694 310695 310696

It has the same general shape as the first bowl, just s t r e t c h e d a bit and finessed here and there. It's a shape I've been investigating recently and the last 5 turnings (one vase, one lazy susan and 3 bowls) have all had the same general shape. So I would love for critiques and comments on the piece, the general form, things I should be considering or could do differently or better.

Thanks for looking :).

Skew ChiDAMN!!
18th April 2014, 06:12 PM
Lovely piece! :2tsup:

The only critique have is with the lower curve, mainly the upper portion; I think that it doesn't flow as well as it could... which is really only a minor issue. How often will anyone critique it from side on or upside down, unless they're another turner? :D

18th April 2014, 06:25 PM
Fantastic looking piece, Michael. I love it. :2tsup:
(Not qualified to make any suggestions re form, except to say it looks pretty good to me as it is.)

18th April 2014, 09:48 PM
How often will anyone critique it from side on or upside down, unless they're another turner? :D

Ha ha, good one! :2tsup:

I agree on the curve at the base of the bowl. I was getting worried that if I kept an inward flowing curve, the base would be too tippy for the rim, so I made the foot curve out a bit for stability. But I had .... issues .... with getting the curve smooth and even. In the end, I cut my losses before I tried for one last cut and stuffed the whole bowl up. That transition is one I need to work on, I think.

28th April 2014, 11:04 AM
An interesting piece. Personally I have not done something like this so not sure if I would go that wide with that base. I think I will have to put it on my list of things to try.