View Full Version : Timber floor

7th July 2000, 12:25 PM
I have a large area of timber floor boards in my home. They are Myrtle (the appearance & colour is sensational).

However it is a real pain in the butt running a dry mop over the floor to remove the house dust that settles on it, which is quite noticable when the morning sun makes its way through the glass doors.

I have seen a new type of mop on the market lately called a Kenwood Steam Mop. Does anyone know if using one of these things on a timber floor would bugger it up?
It has been finished with a high wear gloss Polyurathane (3 coats)

thanks in advance


8th July 2000, 09:31 PM
HI, Hook. Having worked in the coatings industry for 25 years,I was stunned when I heard about the steam cleaner. As you are aware timber is a natural resource which expands and contracts with the changes inthe environment, of which humidity is one of them.By applying steam to a coating you can damage it and the substrate, depending on the temperature.If for whatever reason a section of board was left raw,eg between the T&g and water vapor was left to penetrate , it may be enough to expand the board, possibly causing cupping.I believe that the best method to remove dust is still the electro-static mop and a good shake outdoors. You will never remove air borne dust completely especially in winter with heaters blowing the dust around or Fires creating ther own form of dust. I am not an expert but could not recommend an appliance that adds moisture to timber. I hope that I may have helped.

Rod Smith
9th July 2000, 11:07 AM
Hi. I would think that a quick mop over with a well squeezed mop (proper mop and proper mop bucket) with between warm and hot water would be fine. Should remove more than just dust as well. Rod