View Full Version : dynalog software

26th July 2014, 04:29 PM
hi sorry if im posting in the wrong section, im wondering has anyone any experience in using Blum's dynalog program from there drawers, i seen it used in a kitchen company a mate works for, you simply enter in your carcase sizes what sort of spacing between drawer fronts, and your right hand and left hand side spacing, and it tells you your exact drilling position for the runners onto the carcase and your position for the holes on the draw front, anyone where to buy it or download it, bear in mind i don't want to spend thousands of dollars. Thanks in advance.

30th July 2014, 08:53 AM
IF you do a Google search for blum dynalog free download you will get a number of sites which have it for free. The Blum site will give you a free trial version if you are a company but only lasts for 60 days.